~Chapter 14~

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

I flutter my eyes open. I sit up and I stretch before checking my phone for the time. 7:27am.

I turn off the alarm before it wakes up Kawaii~Chan. I sit up and I change into a f/c crop top and some black shorts. I walk into the bathroom and I brush my h/c out and I put it in f/h (Favorite Hairstyle). I walk out and I smile at the sleeping Kawaii~Chan before grabbing my bag and I walk out in the dorm.

I walk down the stairs and I pull out my phone. 8:03am.

I walk towards the building with my first class. I walk inside and I look around. I saw Katelyn in the distance and I wave.

"Hey Katelyn!" I call and walk towards her. She turns around my smiles brightly.

"Hey Y/n!" Katelyn waves. I smile.

"What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?" I ask her.

"Oh! I have a class in this building around 8:15ish. Speaking of which, I gotta go. I'll see you later!" Katelyn exclaims before walking away. I walk up the stairs and down the hallway. I pass a group of girls, who were squealing.

"He's so hot!!!" A girl squeals. Once I heard that, I speed walk off. I'm not the type of person who enjoys gossip. I walk into class and I sit down in an empty seat next to a girl. She had long black hair, and hazel eyes. Then I recognized her.

"Aphmau!" I tap her shoulder. She looks at me with bright eyes, happiness filling them.

"Hey Y/n! We have the same class!" Aphmau squeals. I giggle.

"I know right!" I smile. We kept on talking until the teacher walks in.

"Hello class! We're going to get started right away!" The teacher exclaims before he starts teaching.


I was walking towards my last class of the day. I had a lot of homework to do in my spare time between classes. I was happy, since they gave us easy homework. I walk into class and I sit next to a boy in the red and black jacket. I recognized him from yesterday.

"Hi." I smile at him. He looks at me and then he looks away quickly. I shrug it off. The teacher walks in and starts teaching. I felt eyes burning into my back. I shivered before paying attention to the teacher.


When class finished, everyone started to leave, and a girl ran down to the red and black sweatshirt guy. She had white long hair and purple eyes. (NOT SASHA!) Her friends pull her away from him.

The white haired girl must like him or something. I walk out the doors and I go back to my dorm to do my homework. Once I finished, I got a text.

(???- Unknown, Y- You)

???- Hey cutie, meet me behind the Café.

Y- Um... Ok???

I didn't think much of it. Maybe it was someone from class? I made sure to be careful around strangers, especially if it's a random person texting. I walk outside and I head towards the Café and I walk behind it. There was a boy with brown hair. He looked nervous.

"Were you the one who sent the text?" I ask. The boy nods nervously.

"I-I'm so sorry! M-My friend is really bad on giving advice on getting friends." He stutters. I giggle.

"That's ok, what's your name?" I ask.

"Mac." He smiles.

"Well, I'm Y/n. Now, what did you need from me?" I ask.

"There's this girl I really like, b-but I don't know how to tell her. She's in love with this one guy, but he doesn't like her. He said it himself, but she keeps going after him. Can you help me?" Mac asks.

"Ya! Of course!" I smile. I wanted to make more friends, and Mac seems like a sweet friend.

"Ok, so her name is Jenny. She has long white hair, and purple eyes." Mac exclaims.

"I've seen her before! She's in my last class. She was swarming this one guy with a black and red jacket." I exclaim to him.

"Yep, that's her. Come on!" Mac grabs my hand and pulls me to the park, where Jenny and the boy were. He lets go and he looks at me.

"W-Well, go on." Mac mutters. I walk up to them.

"Hi!" I wave.. They both look at me.

"Huh?" Jenny stares at me.

"Well, I have a question. Do you guys want to hang out with my friend and I?" I ask.

"O-Oh. Sure!" Jenny smiles. The boy nods. We walk back to Mac.

"Oh, it's you." Jenny stares at Mac.

"H-Hey Jenny!" Mac stutters.

"Let's go to the soccer field! You guys up for a game?" I smirk.

"Your on!" Jenny challenges. We walk to the soccer field, and then I recognize one of Jenny's friends from before.

"Hey Cathy!" Jenny waves. Cathy waves.

"Wanna play soccer?" Cathy asks.

"Yep!" Jenny nods. Cathy, Mac, Jenny, and another one of Jenny's friends, who I found out's name was Becky, split up into two teams.

"Come on Aaron! Come join Cathy and I's team!" Jenny begs. Aaron!?

"N-No, I'm ok. I don't want to play soccer. You guys can. I'll be in my dorm." Aaron turns around and he starts speed walking away. The others play soccer and I chase after Aaron. I grab his wrist.

"Aaron! Please tell me it's actually you..." I look at him. I noticed he hesitated.

"Y-Ya... it's me..." He mutters. I smile before hugging him. Aaron hugs me back.

"Aaron! What did your father tell you about interacting with others!?" I heard someone yell. We break apart, and I saw someone who looked like an agent.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"T-There's no time to exclaim! I gotta go! B-Bye Y/n!" Aaron sprints off.

"A-Aaron wa- N-Nevermind..." I mutter. I turn around and I head to my dorm, confused about what was happening.

I just hope he'll play Dreams of Estora tonight...

*Aaron's P.O.V.*

I run into my room, scared out of my life. Then I heard someone from behind me, and I knew I was in trouble.

"Aaron, where have you been?"

Uh oh... Aaron's in trouble! It was Y/n's first day of College, and she made some friends! Jenny seems obsessed with Aaron... But Y/n found Aaron after like.... 3 years! Her best friend was found! I wonder why he didn't contact her for all of those years...

I hope you enjoyed!


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