~Chapter 22~

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Knowing me, I get shy when it comes to big parties. Like on Christmas, for example. The only people I talked to were Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Aph, and Aaron.

Now, I'm going to the New Year's Eve party. I don't think it mattered for what I wear. Christmas, it did. I throw on an over-sized f/c hoodie and some black sweatpants.

Once I went downstairs, Katelyn was there.

"Where's the others?" I ask.

"They're already there. I stayed back, waiting for you." She exclaimed.

"Thanks." I thank before putting on my boots. The two of us walk over to the guys house. I could hear the cheery voices of everyone.

Katelyn knocks, and surprisingly, Zane opened the door.

"Come in." Zane greets, stepping out of the way. Knowing him, he would be the only one who isn't as cheery as the others. I walk inside behind Katelyn. I could tell Zane was smiling at me through his mask.

I smile sweetly at him. Katelyn went off to find the girls, mostly Aphmau. I glance over to see Aaron chatting with Dante.

Zane and I chat for the most of it. We had fun, talking about random crap.

"IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT!" I heard someone yell. Zane and I look at each other. All of a sudden, Zane pulls me outside.

Zane showed me a way to get onto the roof. We both sit together on the roof.

"3! 2! 1!" The fireworks boomed across the city. I smile.

Now to a new start to a new year.


The trees had leaves, flowers were blooming. The spring had set in. It was a beautiful season. Valentine's day was awesome.

We all went together to the arcade. I was partnered with Kawaii~Chan. Honestly, I had a lot of fun.

It's the month of May now. I was hanging out in the guy's house with Aphmau, Katelyn, Zane, and Kawaii~Chan.

All of a sudden the door burst open.

"GUYS! WE JUST GOT TICKETS TO THE ONE AND ONLY LOVE~LOVE PARADISE RESORT!" Dante yells happily, Aaron running in behind him.

"That's impossible!" Katelyn told them. Aaron held out tickets. My eyes widen.

"WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" Aaron shouts.

"But we have to pack!" Aphmau protested.

"There's no time! The plane leaves in one hour!" Dante exclaimed. Katelyn runs down to the basement and comes back out, dragging Travis by the hair.

"Let's go!" Katelyn says, happiness in her voice.

"The others are already there." Dante exclaimed to me as we run out to the car. I nod and I got into Aphmau's car. Then Aphmau sped off towards the airport.


Once we got there, Lucinda was already waiting. We only had 15 minutes to get to the plane. We sped through security and we rush to the plane. We found our seats with 2 minutes remaining.

I was next to Aaron. I pull out my headphones and I watch YouTube Videos. Aaron was on his phone. From the corner of my eye, I saw him glancing over at me.

I blush a little before continuing to watch YouTube. This plane trip would take over 24 hours, knowing how far away Love~Love Paradise was. My eyes started to become heavy. I slowly drift off into a soft sleep.


"Y/n? Hey, wake up." I heard someone mutter. I slowly open my eyes to see that my phone was back in my bag with my headphones. I look over to where the voice came from. Aaron was looking at me.

"We're 5 minutes away. Katelyn wanted me to get you up." Aaron exclaimed, and I nod. I look through the window. Wait a second... We aren't in the air... we're on water... Is this a boat?! I heard a soft chuckle coming from Aaron. He must of noticed my reaction.

"I had to carry you to the boat when the plane landed. It was funny." Aaron chuckled. I roll my eyes.

"Knowing you, you'd probably just leave me on the boat." I say sarcastically. 

"I was debating on it." He teased. I nudge him.

"Shut up!" I mutter, keeping my voice down. I look out the window to see the large island. The boat turned in that direction until it parked at a large dock. Everyone piled out of the boat. I stood next to Aphmau and Katelyn. Aphmau was looking at the island in awe.

"This. Place. Is. AWESOME!" Aphmau squealed in excitement. A spark of magic popped in front of us, and a person spawned. Aphmau jumped back. 

"Who are you?" Katelyn sounded pissed.

"My name is Guy! I will be your Guy~de!" Guy laughed at his own pun. Aphmau and I laughed with him. Then Zane put his hand over my mouth, shushing me while Katelyn did the same to Aph. We start to follow Guy through Love~Love Paradise to where we were staying. I look around at all of the stuff we could do. 

"Wooow..." I heard Kawaii~Chan mutter in shock. I saw what looked like a three story house WITH A POOL on the roof. Guy walked up to it.

"HERE WE ARE! This is where you guys will be staying!" Guy exclaimed. 

"We didn't bring any cloth-" Katelyn started.

"It's all inside! Now I need to get going! Bye!" Guy interrupted before disappearing.

"Ok then..." Katelyn mutters. We walk inside. He wasn't lying. There were two racks of clothes. One for the guys, and one for the girls. 

"You guys change down here, and we'll be upstairs." Lucinda told them before helping the girls lift up the rack, going up the stairs. Once we reach it, we all rummage through the clothes. I found a f/c bathing suit (One Piece or Two, your choice). 

"That looks pretty Y/n~Chan." Kawaii~Chan tells me. I smile. I go into the bathroom and I change. I finish and look at myself in the mirror. I fix my hair and smile before walking back out.

"GIRLS HURRY UP! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" I heard Dante yell. We all go downstairs, Kawaii~Chan and I last. I caught sighting of the guys blushing badly while looking at us. 

"Off to the beach Perverts!" I announce as I walk past them. I saw the ocean down the sidewalk. It wasn't that far away. 

They can't know my secret...

What secret? Comment down below! I hope you enjoyed!

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