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Things to know:

Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

F/c- Favorite Color

H/c- Hair color

H/l- Hair Length

E/c- Eye Color

F/f- Favorite food

F/d- Favorite drink

More will be added throughout the story!

       I was helping Blaze pack his things up. The other day, mom came in and said we were moving. Apparently, dad got a new job. A huge job. Which means he wouldn't be in the house until mostly before bed. I'm a Werewolf. My whole family is. I was the youngest. Blaze and I were the only children. Blaze is 17, and I was 15. I was ok with that.

We live in Meteli. It was a small town. 5 hours away from where we were moving to.

Phoenix Drop.

Biggest City in the Tu'la region. Dad is the new boss of a huge company. Mom has a job too. Well, she works at an office. Well, she is. She got the job yesterday.

I just finished helping Blaze pack his things. I help him carry it out to the moving truck.

"Blaze! Y/n! Come here please!" I heard mom call. Blaze and I walk back inside.

"Sit." Dad ordered. They still treat us like pups. Blaze and I sit in the two chairs in front of them.

"Are you two excited?" Mom asks us.

"I guess." Blaze answered.

"Look, I know. It's rough. Especially for your sister. She's going to be a freshman! Your going to be a Junior. You have to take care of her. And no boys." Dad exclaims.

"She's not a pup anymore, dad. But I will. Especially with mom not being home." Blaze replies. They both nod.

"Sweetie, you be good. Ok?" Mom looks at me. I nod.

"Now come on. We need to leave, so we'll get there by around nighttime. You two will unpack your things, and we'll make you dinner while you guys unpack." Dad exclaims to us. We both get up, and we head outside. Mom and Dad put in the rest of the furniture, and then the truck leaves.

Blaze and I get into the car. I plug in my headphones to my phone and I click on my YouTube playlist. It had a bunch of Nightcore songs. Dad then started to drive off.

Off to Phoenix Drop we go...

*When you get there...*

I felt someone shake me gently. I open my eyes.

"Wake up, sleepy head." Blaze whispers. I look out the window. The sky was dark. I get out of the car and stretch. I then look at the new house. It was a medium two story light blue house. It was a beautiful house, to be honest.

Then the moving truck pulled up in the driveway. I looked at my phone. 8:47pm.

"Sweetie, start carrying in your stuff." I heard mom say. I turn around and see her grabbing some boxes for the kitchen. I nod and I climb up onto the truck. I search for boxes with my name on them. I spotted them, and then I pick up a couple. I carefully get off the truck, and I walk inside of the house. 

I look around. Off to the right was a decent size living room. A lot of space. Off to the right, the dining room and a kitchen. They were a decent size too. About 15 feet in front of me was the stairs. I carefully walk up them. There were four doors. Blaze walks out of one room, second closest to the stairs.

"The door farthest down the hallway on the left is yours. The room across is the bathroom, and the door next to it is mom and dad's room." Blaze told me. I nod, and I walk down the hall to my room. I set the boxes outside of my room and I open the door, walking inside.

The room was a decent size room. A queen sized bed with f/c sheets in the back middle. And a medium closet. I then grab my boxes and I bring them inside. I go back down the stairs and outside. I climb back into the truck, and I grab more of my boxes.

Blaze then climbs into the truck.

"Need help lil' sis?" Blaze asks.

"Ya, that would be nice." I say. He grabs the rest of my boxes. He is stronger than me. We both go up to my room, and he sets my boxes down.

"If you need any help, I'll be in my room unpacking." Blaze tells me, and then he walks out of my room. I unsheathe my claws and I open my boxes. I then sheath them. I start putting my clothes away.

Dad and one of the drivers of the truck carry in something. I turn around and notice it was my nice desk.

"Where do you want it honey?" Dad asks. I point to the corner across the room, opposite of the door. They gently set it there, and gently push it against the wall. Then they both leave.

That makes it easier to put more of my stuff away. 

I then unpack my Computer. I set it down on the deck, gently pushing it to the back a little. I then grab my keyboard and mouse, with the mouse pad. I connect the mouse and keyboard to the computer. Thankfully there was a charger thing under the desk.

My desk had enough room underneath for my chair with wheels. Also known as my spinning chair. Above the Computer, the desk had an overhang. I could put some decorations on the overhang. Then there was some drawers too.

Blaze then came in with my chair. He rolls it to me. I giggle, and he chuckles. Blaze walks away, back to his room. I smile, and then I unpack the rest of my things. The last things were my posters. Anime posters mostly. And some 5SOS posters. I hung them up on my walls.

I then finish. I look around my room. It was perfect. The walls were f/c too. Even better. I set my backpack next to the door. The first day of school was tomorrow. Weird, I know. Especially because Blaze and I should have been asleep by now.

I was homeschooled before now. Blaze and I both. I don't know why. I was one of the most smartest kids in the school, according to the principal. We were homeschooled for 3 years. And now mom and dad want us back in school.

Blaze didn't really care, because he actually had friends who hung out with him. I never got to meet them. I stayed home all of the time.

"BLAZE! Y/N! DINNER IS READY!" Mom called. I walk out of my room, going downstairs. Blaze follows behind me. I go into the dining room and I sit down at the table. Dad fixed f/f. I smile and eat.

Once I finished, I put my plate in the sink. I go upstairs and I brush my teeth before I go back to my room. I change into a oversized soft sweatshirt, and then I crawl onto the bed. I pull the covers over me, and I pass out, tired.

Long Prologue, huh? I hope you enjoy this book!


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