~Chapter 2~

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Zane and I continue to chit chat. Then the teacher's phone rang.

"This is room 203." She says. There was a pause.

"Yes! We'll be on our way down. Thank you!" Then she hung up, and she stood up.

"Alright, it's time for us to go on down." The teacher tells us. I stood up with the others, and we all head to the door.

"Go to the gym, it's on the first floor, and down the hallway. You'll know it when you see it." She exclaims, and then we all walk out.

I walk with Zane. We were in the back of the group. We went downstairs, and down the hallway. Then I saw it. We all inside. More students were inside.

"Let's look around." I heard Nicole say, and her and Kawaii~Chan walk off. I start to walk off, walking down the gym. I look at all of the club's.

"Which one do you like out of them?" Zane asks me.

"I mean, the only club that catches my eye is Videogames." I tell him. He looks at me.

"You like video games?" He asks. I nod.

"I'll join with you- Wait a second... Don't tell me- Are you kidding me..." Zane looks at the table.

"Hello baby brother." The boy with blonde hair looks at Zane.

"Ugh... I'm doing this for you." Zane whispers.

"My friend and I want to join." Zane tells him. He looks at the brunette.

"Who's the cutie next to you?" He winks. Zane growls.

"My friend." Zane told him coldly. I ignore their fighting and I write my name down, and then I smile at the blonde.

"Your Garroth, aren't you?" I ask him.

"Ya. And your...?" He looks at me.

"Y/n." I say with a smile. Garroth gives me a warm smile.

"Your the nicest girl I've met. To be honest, your the only girl who hasn't fangirled over me." He chuckles. I giggle.

"You must be popular then." I say. He nods.

"Well, wanna be friends?" I ask.

"Sure! Since we'll be in the same club, I guess it means I'll have to get to know you more." Garroth tells me.

"Cool! So, who else is in the club?" I ask.

"Well, there's me, Laurence, Dante, Travis, and Zane. And Aaron." He then said.

"What do they look like? And what grades? I-I'm sorry! I-i'm asking too many questions." I stutter. Garroth chuckles.

"Y/n, your fine. Well, Dante has blue hair and blue eyes. He's a flirt, just warning you. Then there's Tr-" I cut Garroth off.

"Travis over there, right?" I say, pointing at Travis. Garroth nods.

"Then Aaron has black hair, dark brown eyes. He's a little mean. So if he comes off rude, tell me." He continued. I nod. Then I heard the teacher call for us, and I wave goodbye.

"At this time, all students must report to their last class of the day." Chad says over the speaker. I wave goodbye to Zane, knowing he wouldn't have Werewolf class as the last class of the day. I walk upstairs, and I walk down the hallway until I find class 303.

I walk inside. There were already a couple of werewolves in here. Then one with purple hair waves at me. I walk over to her. She was with two other boys.

That One Werewolf (Aaron X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now