Chapter 52

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    Lilly's POV

    The last thing I expect to see when Nadine and I pull up to Denny's house, is about 3 cops car, an ambulance, and other first responding vehicles.

     "What's going on? You think everything is okay?" Nadine asks.

     "I'm not sure, but I don't have a good feeling about this." I don't waste any time jumping out of the car, and against my better judgment, I hop on one foot the whole way to Denny's house and up his front porch steps. The sinking feeling in my gut is leading me on, making it easy to ignore the stabbing pain in my leg from jostling it so much.

      I knock on the door a couple times, loudly in case they can't hear me over whatever is taking place inside. Looking behind me, I notice a couple of the cops talking to each other outside their cars, and the ambulance is pulling out of the driveway, sirens blasting. 

     Someone is in the back, and I have no idea who. I must have just missed them loading up the back when we pulled up. 

     After a couple of minutes waiting, I'm ready to turn the handle and just barge in, but finally Denny's mom pulls the door open, and her face appears behind the screen door.

     Her sunken face has tear tracks going down her cheeks, and circles so big under her eyes it looks like she hasn't slept in days. Maybe weeks. Her face is completely blank and unmoving.

     I open my mouth to speak, but I'm so scared something has happened to Denny that I can't get the words to come out. Despite our differences, he was someone I relied on when I wouldn't let anyone close to me. 

    We pulled each other into a dark path, not caring how lost or hurt we got along the way. I want to try and make things better for him. 

     "Denny.." I finally choke out, only able to form one word. I can't stop seeing his body slumped over, alcohol or drugs taking over his body and finally not being able to handle anymore. A car accident. Over dose. There's so many scenarios running through my head, all of them making my body feel like it's frozen in place, unable to accept something like that happening to someone i've known practically my whole life. 

      "When the storm hit a couple weeks ago, our power went out. Which isn't good since Roy is connected to oxygen, IVs, and all the other things that are keeping him alive and comfortable right now. Luckily a home nurse was here, and able to help. But he hasn't been doing well. He had a stroke this morning around 9:30." Her voice is so broken, but so emotionless at the same time, as if she has to disconnect herself to be able to deal with this. And I know that feeling all too well. I lived in that feeling for about 2 years. 

    "Denny won't come out of his room, he hasn't since the ambulance got here. His door is locked, he won't open it for anyone." Her voice is robotic, and without any more words, she just steps back from the door and sinks down into a chair that is placed on the foyer wall. I take this as my invitation to come in, not knowing what else it could mean. There are two police officers who seem to be standing in the house. waiting on something.

   "Do you guys need something?" I ask them rather rudely.

   "We've been trying to get all the informtation from her that we can for the hospital, but she has barely said anything. The young man in his room has not been very forthcoming with anything as well." 

    "That's probably because theyre in shock with the fact that her husband and his father has had a stroke, and he's very sick and they don't know what is going to happen. Is there not a better time you can come back and do this?" 

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