Chapter 47

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Lilly's POV

Everything hurts.

My whole body feels like it's been ran over by a MAC truck, there being no sense of relief anywhere. I hear a slight buzzing noise in my ear, and I want to open my eyes and look around me, but I'm scared to move. Scared it'll make the pain even more real.

I have no idea where I am, or what the hell happened. I try to go back in my memories to see if there's anything that'll give me some clues as to where I am, and why I hurt so bad.

But nothing is coming to me.

I try to focus harder on the buzzing around me, and I slowly realize it's actually other people's voices, there's just so many and so fast that it's hard for my fuzzy mind to keep up.

"...femur is broken...need to check for swelling on the brain..severed fingers need to be sewn back on if they are able to be is she still alive.."

Are they talking about me? No wonder my fucking body hurts like it does if all of that's true.

Was I in a car accident?

Hit by a MAC truck for real?

Just when I start to build up the strength to open my eyes, I feel a slight pinch go into the elbow crease of my arm, and then a couple seconds later, a warm fuzzy feeling starts to spread throughout my body, and everywhere it touches the pain lifts up just a little bit more.

"Please don't leave me." A voice says, and I know it's Sutter, cause I would know his voice even if it was played with a thousand others at the same time.

I'm going to do my best to do as he asks.

Sutter's POV

"Please let me ride with you!" I yell at the ambulance as they load Lilly's stretcher into the back.

It seems like it took them hours to get here, seeing as how there was so much damage to roads and all the things surrounding them. Not to mention probably every ambulance within a 50 mile radius is being called in and needed right now.

"Are you her family sir?" One of the EMT's ask me.

"My parents are her legal guardians and she lives with us. So basically, yes I am."

"Good enough for me, cmon." He says, and I wonder if he really believes me or can just see the pure panic that I know is boldly written across my face.

I jump into the back of the opening, and do my best to find a spot that isn't in the way of the medics. But at the same time I can't make myself move away from Lilly.

I haven't taken my eyes off her face for long, waiting on them to open up and give me some sort of hope.

"Her right leg has a large lump in the middle, looks like her femur is broken."

"Large bruises and knots covering her scalp, need to check her for any swelling on the brain or possible contusions."

"Third and fourth digits on the right hand are in bad shape. Severed middle finger needs to be sewn back on if we can save it. Not sure if it's salvageable or not."

     "How this girl is still alive is crazy, it doesn't make sense."

     The EMTS have been talking back and forth the each other, patting down every single part of Lilly's body, and all the while inserting an IV into her arm and cutting her clothes off of her. What was left of them anyway.

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