Chapter 5

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    Two years after realizing the feelings I had for Lilly were more than just friendship, I finally asked her to be my girlfriend. It wasn't because I didn't want her to be my girlfriend or wasn't ready, I was just scared she didn't feel the same way I did, and I would ruin the friendship we had created over the years. The relationship Lilly and I had wasn't the kind that fades away over the years, or the kind you grow out of. We truly cared and valued each other, and losing her wasn't an option for me.
    But I couldn't take it any longer, I couldn't wait another day without her knowing the truth. We were in the 6th grade, and this was the first year we were able to go to the Valentines Day dance. Today at lunch, Jesse told me he heard that Bobby was going to ask Lilly to the dance, and if she said yes, he was going to kiss her at the end of the night.

     Now I knew from being Lilly's best friend since we were five, that she had never been kissed before. So Bobby would be her first kiss. I overheard my mom and sister talking one night, and I heard my mom tell Jo, that no matter how old you are, a girl will always remember her first kiss.

     Do I look like I want Lilly to be remembering Bobby for the rest of her life? Hell no I don't. So I decided tonight, I was going to get Lilly to sneak out and I was going to tell her how I feel, and ask her to go to the dance with me, as my date and girlfriend.

      And at the end of the night, only if she wanted to, I would give her her first kiss, and that way no matter what happened to us, she would always remember me.

     That afternoon when we dropped Lilly off at her house, I got out of the car and walked her up to her door. I didn't normally do this so I knew she would ask me what was up, but I couldn't tell her to sneak out and meet me in front of my mom.

     "Is everything okay?" She asks, when we get to the front door of her house.

    "Everything is fine, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to sneak out with me tonight after everyone was asleep and go to the treehouse?" Our dads built us a treehouse for our 8th birthdays, and ever since that's the place we always met up with each other. It was in the woods behind our houses, but it was in the middle and away from everyone else.

     That was one of the only few nice things I had ever seen Lilly's Dad do for her. But I'm sure when my dad asked him if he wanted help, he knew it would make him look bad to say no.

     "Sure," she said, her face lighting up with a smile. For some reason those were getting rare these days. She didn't smile like she used to, and I didn't know why. "I'd love to. But you're sure everything's okay?"

"Positive, and hopefully after tonight everything will be better than okay."

She cocks her head to the side in confusion, but I'm already sprinting back to my moms car. She'll have to wait until tonight for everything else.


This is the fifth rock I've throw at her window, and the last. If she doesn't come down this time, I reckon she's not coming down at all. I can't believe she forgot that she was meeting me.

Shaking my head in disappointment, I start trying to figure out how to ask her out now before anyone else gets the chance. As I'm walking in the direction of my house, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see Lilly in a white shirt jumping up and down, waving her arms to get my attention.

I smile so wide the whole time I'm running towards her that my cheeks start aching. "I thought you forgot about meeting me!"

"No, silly! I've been here. But you just said to meet you at the treehouse, you didn't say that you were going to come and get me." She shrugs her shoulders in the cute and innocent way that only she can do.

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