Chapter 24

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Lilly's POV

   The time for summer to be over over was finally upon us, and the kids in Summerhaven, were not pleased about it at all. So of course, in back to school fashion, there would be a huge end of summer party.

     Sutter didn't want to go, but Jo and I did, so he had no choice. Well, I guess he did, but us going and him staying at home apparently wasn't an option, so he was going with us.

     Jo and I had been getting ready for the last hour. Let me correct that, I got ready in twenty minutes, and I've been spending the last forty helping Jo look like a complete knockout.

     I'm a little concerned her parents wouldn't let us out the door.

     My blonde hair is just scrunched and left in it's curly form, I'm wearing a tight, blue, and white plaid crop top, with a high waisted white skirt. Normal make up on my face. I feel dressy, and I'll be wearing what every girl there is wearing, or more than half anyway.

    But Jo? Jo was wearing a skin tight, black dress that had all sorts of cutouts in the back of a dress, and a gold zipper. The dress stopped about mid thigh, and she had on some black bootie heels. Her long brown hair was straightened, and she had highlighted her green eyes with some nice make up.

    Honestly, the girl could stop traffic.

     "Seriously, give me your tits." I tell her jokingly.

    "Only if I can have your ass."

    "For those tits, you can have it." And then I playfully swat her on the butt with my hand. "You look perfect, Jo. There's nothing else to do to yourself, we've done it all. Stop stressing."

    Jo knew a couple of the girls she used to not get along with were going to be at the party tonight, and she of course wanted to make a grand entrance. I can't say I blame her, and I can't wait to see the girls reaction when Jo walks in looking like a super model.

    But more than that, I want Jo to be able to look in the mirror realize her beauty is not defined by what other girls think of her.

     "Can we do a shot before we go? I'm nervous as hell." She asks me.

     "I was actually going to not drink tonight so that you and your brother can. That way we have a driver, a safe one this time."

     "Good point. Well I guess I'm doing it myself." She says, and then waltz in her room and grabs a bottle from the back of her closet.

    I watch her unscrew the lid and take a sip, scrunching up her face and then coughing a little. And that's the telling sign that I have a problem with alcohol.

    Because that burn that people feel in their chest when they take a sip? I love that fucking feeling. I could have that feeling all day, and never grow tired of it. I've always liked the taste of most alcohol, but here lately I had just been drinking liquor, and I reveled in the quick warm feeling it sent through my body, and the shiver it would send down my spine.

    I had to look away from Jo drinking, because the urge to walk over there, grip the bottle, and then drain it was almost enough to make my body move involuntarily.

    "I'm going to go see if Sut's ready to go." I tell her, and then beeline it out of her room.

     I don't knock or anything before going into his room, and when I enter I'm met with the smell of his shampoo and the smell of a warm shower. Sutter must hear his door open, because he walks out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair and with the steam trailing after him. And all he has on is another towel that wrapped around his waist.

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