Chapter 42

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Lilly's POV
13 Years Old

I had been trying my best to keep a smile on my face all day, but it was getting really hard to keep up the facade. I was with Sutter and a few of our friends and we were enjoying a snow day, which are very rare in Oklahoma.

Things at home we're starting to get exceedingly worse, and it was really hard for me to come terms with the fact that my own father detested me. I had no idea what I had done to deserve such poor treatment. I wanted to figure out what I could do to make things better.

Sutter had showed up at my house this morning and told me to get on some warm clothes, we were going sledding with a bunch of our friends at the park. And while I appreciated the invitation, and loved spending time with Sut, I just wasn't in the mood for acting like everything was okay when it wasn't.

He hadn't taken no for an answer though when I wouldn't give him a reason on why I didn't want to go. He pushed his way into my house and went upstairs to my room, picking out my warm clothes to put on. When he told me it wouldn't be fun without me, and kissed me on the lips, I caved.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" Sutter asked, and his voice cracked in the middle of his question. His body was starting to go through changes, and I couldn't help but realize how handsome he was becoming, even more so.

I nodded my head at him. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"And you're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know, you've been different lately. Not yourself."

I know I have to tell him something, I have to make something up that seems believable. So I decide to tell something that's true, but still skirt around the real reason as well. "My dad has just been really hard on me lately, especially since you and I started dating."

I use the term 'dating' loosely, because there wasn't much dating that two thirteen year olds could do. But we did spend a lot of time together, like always. Except now our parents seemed to be worried about it. I say our, but what I really mean is my parents. More specifically, my father. Sutter's parents couldn't have been happier, especially his mom who claims she knew we were meant to be together from the moment we met.

My father on the other hand started telling me if I had a boyfriend so young, I was going to stop caring about the things that truly mattered that much sooner. He already criticized everything I did, but it was even more intense now. I couldn't make a single mistake without it being blamed on my new relationship with Sutter.

In truth though nothing had changed, except the title of our relationship. We spent just as much time together when we had been friends. My father didn't see it that way, though.

I brought home a report card, all As, and a 3.89 grade average. But that wasn't enough for him, it should have been a perfect 4.0, and there was no excuse.

I had a swim meet against our instate rivals a couple weeks ago, and I won first place in every single one of my races. I even made the local newspaper and they had my picture on the front page, for breaking state records at the age of thirteen. My dad circled my race times in the paper, and made sure to let me know they were slower than my overall best.

Did I mention I was swimming against kids who were eighteen?

I couldn't tell anyone this though or vent to them, because then that would just bring up more questions. Questions I wasn't willing to answer.

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