Chapter 17

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Lilly's POV

This day in age, kids are learning about sex when they're eleven years old. It seems like the more time goes on, the more educated kids are becoming at younger ages. About things they shouldn't be aware of just yet.

Being pregnant at fifteen is probably not something a lot of women can say they have experienced. Well, I'm sure there's plenty. But when you put them up against the women who were older than fifteen, that number looks considerably smaller.

Sutter and I were careless, and we made a mistake the night of my fifteenth birthday.

My parents had decided to take a vacation that week, forgetting that was the week I was brought into this world. I was embarrassed to tell people that though, and just ended up telling everyone my dad was on a business trip and my mom accompanied him there. Sounds much better than the truth.

I was upset at them for forgetting and for leaving me alone. Birthdays are supposed to be emotional times for your parents, because you're getting older and you won't be in their home forever, for them to see everyday. But my parents couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge me.

So what did I do in return?

Threw a massive fucking party.

Now I live in a neighborhood, but luckily mine and Sutter's house are at the end of street at the culdesac, and our houses had a decent amount of space between all the other houses. So the only people we really had to worry about with the party, was Sutter's parents.

     He told them my parents felt bad for having to be gone on a trip on my birthday, so they gave me permission to have a couple of friends over to celebrate.

     We told everyone to carpool as much as they could. Because ten cars was okay, but twenty-five was pushing it. Everyone who was invited donated some amount of money and we gave it all to Nadine, who had an older brother in college.

     This was the first party I ever threw, and not to mention I had only been to maybe three of my own, so I was a little out of my league. But I knew I wanted to piss my parents off, and I knew I wanted to have fun on my birthday, and do what I wanted for once.


   The thing about living in a small town, word travels fast. So when my party details caught wind, a guest list of only twenty people turned into fifty, and then those people told people too.

     Before I knew it, my house was crawling with bodies of people, some guys had brought kegs, people were playing beer pong on my moms expensive table, with glass china cups, and smoking inside my dads study where he works all the time.

    And I'm loving it, Sutter on the other hand, is having a panic attack.

    "Lilly, we are going to be in so much trouble." He tells me for what feels like the tenth time.

    "Babe, first of all, you're not going to be in trouble, this is my house, it'll fall on me. And second, at least enjoy this if we know it's not going to be good tomorrow!" I've had two solo cups of draft beer, and a shot with my girls at the beginning, so I'm feeling a lot more reckless than normal.

    "Okay, but if you get in trouble, we can't hang out together. Which is still screwing me over either way."

    "I mean I get what you're saying, but what do you want me to do? Tell everyone to leave and then look like a loser?" I didn't want people leaving though, I was having fun being rebellious for the first time.

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