18- Going Under

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“Ally, Ally,” I cringed as a blindingly bright light shined into my eyeball. “Ally, wake up.”

Groaning, I slowly cracked open my eyes, trying to adjust to the blurriness.

“Good – thank God Mr. Berkeley was there during the fight.” I felt a squeeze on my arm. “It looks like you took a bad hit or two.”

“Mr. Brighton?” I asked as my vision cleared, revealing his figure towering above me.

“Yes, we were all very worried, but don’t you worry, Mr. Berkley’s agreed to let you rest here until you’re feeling better.”

“Mr. Berkeley?” I cringed, thinking of him. Crap.

“Yes, he saved you. So just rest here and if you need anything at all, he’ll be here to help.”

“But –“

“It’s fine – it’ll be too difficult to move you to the infirmary and here’s just as good as anywhere else.”

Trying to work through my mind was like swimming through molasses. Incredibly difficult.

“Wait- no, I’m fine,” I defended as I tried to push myself off the couch.

I felt a fuzzy blanket slide off on me as I sat up, and a second later clutched my hands to my head as a migraine hit me hard.

“Just rest,” Mr. Brighton advised. I’ll come back and check on you sometime tomorrow.

I groaned, letting myself sink back into the couch.

Truth be told, my whole body was aching.

When I heard the door close shut, another set of footsteps approached.

“Good morning sunshine.”

I moaned as careful hands lifted me up into a sitting position, bringing the headache back on again.

“No,” I protested as I saw Mr. Berkeley draw out another needle.

“Nonsense Ally this will make you feel better. It’s only the withdrawals that feel like shit.”

“No!” I yelled, suddenly finding strength enough to push his arm away, senseless of the cascading headache that was ripping my skull in two.

“Ally,” Mr. Berkeley warned sternly as he clamped my arm tightly in his, pulling me up off the couch so that I was dangling from his hands.  

Gritting my teeth, I tore my arm out of his grip and clambered back onto the other side of the couch, away from him.

“Get the fuck away from me,” I warned, as I placed my feet on the ground, preparing to run, my eyes already flicking about the room in search of a potential weapon.

“Don’t play games with me,” Mr. Berkeley’s eyes reminded me of smoke before a fire, gray, dark and filmy, making my stomach clench in fear.

In my sluggish state, he was too quick for me. Just as my fingers grazed the doorknob, he whipped me back, slapping a hand across my mouth to keep me from screaming out.

In desperation I sunk my teeth into his hand.

“Ahh fuck,” he yelled out as I tried my best to worm myself away from him. However, he grabbed onto the back of my collar at the last second, tugging me back before throwing me down to the ground.

“You little…” He growled as he nursed his hand to his chest. I yelped in pain as he sent a shockingly hard kick to my stomach, making me feel like my insides had burst open upon impact as a deep pain erupted in my abdomen.

Tears involuntarily sprung to my eyes as Mr. Berkeley crawled onto me with his knees holding my body down. I whimpered as he glared down at me, leaning close as he whispered in my face.

“You better fucking learn some things. Either you listen to us, or you die. Got it? Sure it’d be nice to have a toy like you.” He slapped the side of my face harshly, making me moan out loud, as the new pain joined with the one from before, multiplying in strength. “But we can easily live without.” I thought he was done, before he abruptly wrenched my arm towards him, almost tearing it out of its socket in the process.

The sharp prick of a needle met my skin and a moment later I felt the pressure of Mr. Berkeley’s body moving off of me. As I turned my head to the side I could see Mr. Berkeley wrapping his hand up on the other side of his office. If my face weren’t throbbing I would’ve smirked at the blood that was seeping through the gauze.

However as the drug infected my system, the satisfaction I felt waned, to be replaced by a feeling of dread.

I had to get the fuck out of here. But he sure as fuck was going to do whatever he could to stop that from happening.

And the drugs in my system were weighing me down too much to even think about getting out of his clutches.

Dots swarmed across my vision as a tide of drug-induced delusion crashed over me, driving me senseless.

It's short...really short. But I couldn't find a way to make this fit in well with the next chapter or the one before it XD So I hope you enjoyy despie its length.

Thank you all for you wonderful support and feeback :)

-BNW <3

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