40- We Can't Stop

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I felt like elephants were sitting on my eyelids. It seemed like ages before I could muster enough strength to slowly pull my eyes open.

I blinked, taking in the sight of Caden’s long figure hunched over a small fire of twigs and old newspapers. Wooden crates littered the weed-infested area surrounding him, casting eerie shadows in the firelight.

As Caden tended the small flame, I noticed again how tired he looked. The dark circles under his eyes had deepened even more and his gaze was heavy as if he could hardly keep his eyes open either.

“Wh-“ I tried to say, than coughed a hoarse, weak cough that tore my throat apart.

I felt like I hadn’t had a sip of water in days.

“Ally?” Caden turned his head to look at me, the fire shining in his eyes, showing me the deep concern etched on his face.

I coughed again in recognition, before turning my head to the side to try and ease my scratchy throat.

“Okay,” I groaned as I pushed myself up off the dusty ground.

“Here.” Caden pushed a plastic water bottle towards me. I accepted it gratefully as I put it to lips and began chugging the entire thing.

I finished quickly and wiped the excess water with my hand before looking at Caden again.

I narrowed my eyes at his guilty expression. “How long have I been out?”

“Almost a day,” Caden mumbled sheepishly, “Look, I didn’t think I hit you that hard….”

“It’s fine.” I muttered, “Where are we?”

“About an hour south.”

I nodded my head absently as I took in a broken down old shack to my right. “Where did you find this place?”

“It was an old gang hideout. Aiden told me about it.”

“Aiden? Is he still okay?”

Caden shrugged his shoulders, “Okay enough to send me to break you out.”

“Aiden sent you?” I raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t he worried about attracting the Widow’s attention?”

“Look, Ally I’m sorry I did what I did, but the truth is that if the Players want to have any chance of survival, we need you.”

“Need me for what? I doubt we’ll be making any deals with them.”

“Come on, Al, you know you were always the brains of the operation. You can think us out of any fix.”

“Caden…” I sighed as I traced circles in the dust at my feet.

“I’m sorry I took you away, Al.” My breath hitched, as I was aware that Caden was now right up next to me, his breath fanning down my face.

I took a shaky breath as my heart restarted, “I want to help you, but- but….I just don’t know…” I frowned, knitting my brows.

Caden put his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up into his tender eyes.

“Ally, would I ever put you in danger if I didn’t have to? You know I’d never hurt you.”

I frowned thinking of the sore spot on the back of my neck, and my still-sore throat.

“You’ve changed.”

“You’ve changed too, Al.”

I sighed again as I lightly pushed Caden away. He leaned back slowly; giving me needed space as he continued to look at me with those large remorseful eyes.

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