Chapter One

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      He was sitting there, in the darkness, with his back glued on the cold, metal wall; hugging his knees, slowly closing his eyes.

     Everything was black, there was nothing to lighten the metal room — where almost fifty people were. There was just one source of light and it was a little window infront of the door with some bars on it.

     Coming for the first time, you might think it's a prison cell but it's even worse. Everyone kept being quiet — as always — some of them crying, thinking or just trying to fall asleep.

     There was this one guy who kept making an awful noise by counting his days inside, making Jimin want to rip off his ears.

     Jimin's eyes were half closed when he heard a loud sound coming from the door. No one noticed it but he looked in the door's way. The door had fell on the floor and in the next second their "boss" flew in one of the walls, falling weakly on the ground. His eyes widened ten times bigger than usual, slowly opening his mouth in shock.

      No one moved. They just looked at the little man on the floor who was now bleeding. Jimin stood up, stumbling a little since he was so weak. He went to the little man and gulped. He gave him a hand and helped him stand up.

     But in the next second someone threw him in the other corner of the room, his body hitting the metal wall as hurt moan escaped his mouth. He lifted his head and looked at the tall men figures that got in with different guns and weapons. Jimin was so scared and confused, he didn't even move. He covered his mouth with his trenbling hand, watching the whole scene horrified. Someone walked between the tall men — who were probably his bodyguards — and stopped infront of their boss. Jimin's vision was blocked by the tall figures that were around the male until he noticed a weapon — something like a gun — on their bosses forehead.

-So, Mr.Lonys.. a raspy voice was heard in the room, resulting a painful echo.

     Everyone was looking at him now with no fear besides Jimin who felt like his heart was about to jump off his chest due to his growing fear. Jimin's eyes traveled to the short man looking at them with begging eyes and then at he males that proceed to show no affection — which made them look even scarrier, in his opinion. Who was this man and what are his men going do with his boss?

-Please, I'll give you everything you want! The man said with a shaky voice.

-Quiet! The unknown man screamed.

     Jimin widened his eyes covered his ears in fear as he looked down at the floor, his tears falling rolling down his cheeks, hitting the ground. What had he done wrong that God made him go trough all of these? He was a very good child, he always helped people in need, he was good in school.. What had he done wrong?

-Why have you done that, bastard? The man asked calmly.

     No answer. Nothing was heard. The room went so silent, Jimin could hear the blood running through his veins.

-Tell me! He screamed again, loading his gun.

     The sound made him shake, closing his eyes tightly. He hugged his knees, swinging slowly back in forth trying to breathe as much as he could.

-I..I got paid to do that. Mr.Lonys said.

-Fucking bastards! You do everything for money, don't you?! The male spat angrier than before.

-I'm sorry, sir, I didn't knew it was-

-Shut up! He yelled.

      Jimin felt like he was goinf to faint. All these emotions were having a war inside of him — he just wanted to be left alone and cry. He needed everything to stop.

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