Knocking Over Stereos

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James P.o.V.

I thought I locked the door. But the door was barely closed, still hanging open slightly on its hinges. I stepped inside the now drafty front hall, and closed the door tight behind me, locking it. I thought I heard a soft hiccup, and the sound of rustling. It made me shiver. "Hello?" I called, kicking off my shoes and unzipping my coat. No response. I stepped deeper into the house, and turned down the hall leading into my bedroom. I knew Seamus wasn't home yet; he had work until 7pm tonight. My heart jumped in my chest at the thought of Aleks. Has he come back? I thought eagerly, rushing towards my room. A big smile appeared on my face at the thought of Aleks sitting in my room, as if none of this week had even happened. I pushed open my door energetically and stared around the room, but as I looked around, my smile faded, and I slumped against the door frame. Were you actually expecting him to be here? I thought, and I let out a shout of anger before kicking the bed frame hard, making it screech across the floor a few inches.I shook my head, sighing, and sat on the uncomfortable frame, staring down at my open palms. Am I going insane? I'm positive that I heard something... I ran my fingers through my shallow curls, and took another long breath. "Fuck... Fuck, fuck fuck." I stood up and picked up my box of cigarettes. I tipped open the cap. One left. I growled down at the box, and ripped the cigarette out. I angrily picked up a match and lit my sin, taking a long, deep hit off of it. I blew it out, not even bothering blowing out the window anymore. Something that sounded like a cough resonated around the room. I stiffened, and peered behind me, wondering where the sound came from. A shiver went over my spine. Someone was watching me. I let my cigarette dangle from my bottom lip, and I bit into the filter softly with my teeth. I glanced over the room. There wasn't one place that a person could be... Except for... 

Aleks P.o.V. 

He was coming towards the closet. My breath hitched in my throat, and I scooted away from the crack in the door, and pressed my back hard against the furthest wall. Fuck. Fuck, why did I have to cough!? I couldn't help it... The cigarette smoke burned my nostrils and I felt suffocated... I picked up a loose coat from off of the floor in front of me, and pulled it up to my nose, thinking I could disguise myself as I disheveled piece of clothing. James was coming closer, slowly, like he wasn't sure he wanted to reveal his intruder. I grit my teeth hard, and held my breath as best I could. I didn't dare blink. My eyes were beginning to water. I let out a shaky breath as quietly as I could, and inhaled quickly again. My mind was beginning to fog from lack of oxygen. My vision became weak. I kept my breath in my chest. He was a centimeter from opening the door. I can't breathe. James jumped at the sound of his bedroom door opening, and stood up straight again. "Ugh, blow your smoke out the window, please," Seamus' voice echoed in the room. James let out a grunt, and walked away from the door and left the room, his cigarette still in between his teeth. "Don't drag it all throughout the house, jackass!" I gasped for air, letting oxygen back into my system. I gripped my chest, wheezing and choking. I coughed into the jacket I hid under, trying to muffle the sound. Holy shit fuck, that was close. I peeked out from behind the door again. Nobody was in the room. Now, how am I supposed to leave!? I looked around the room frantically, before setting my eyes on the window. I glanced back at the door. James or Seamus could walk in at any second...

James P.o.V.

Seamus sent a quick punch to my shoulder as I exhaled smoke. "Don't drag it all throughout the house, jackass!" He growled. I flipped him off, and let the cigarette hang from my mouth. "You..." He let out a grunt of frustration. "You are a piece of shit, you know that!?" I was sort of taken aback by Seamus' loud outburst. Usually, even when he was angry, he wasn't loud. I glared down at him.

"I know." I took another drag from off of my cigarette and blew it into his face. He twisted his face up in disgust and shot me an even angrier look. "What are you doing home 3 hours early, anyway?" I sneered.

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