Looks Can Be Deceiving

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Aleks P.o.V. 

I slept well for the first time in a long time. I woke up feeling refreshed. Like a rock had been lifted off of my shoulders from years of carrying it. Maybe it was because the day before I had myself a Sob Fest. Or maybe it was because I told James about... What happened. I sat up, and stretched out my weary bones, feeling them crack and pop as I moved. I rubbed at my eyes, and yawned, glancing around the room. The wind was knocked out of me when I didn't recognize where I was for a minute, but then I remembered James had had me sleep with him. I looked to my right, expecting to see James laying there. I was surprised to see that he wasn't there, and I scanned the room, still sort of sleepy. I shrugged it off, and rolled out of bed, stumbling to the kitchen. Seamus was washing dishes when I walked in. "Seamus?" I yawned. Seamus turned to look at me, his eyebrows raised, but his expression flat. 

"Hey," He muttered, turning back to his dishes. I walked up to his side, and scratched at my neck. 

"Um... Do you know where James is?" I asked, leaning against the counter. Seamus shook his head. 

"I haven't seen him yet this morning... I assume he's getting groceries or something." I nodded at his response, and started to leave, but Seamus grabbed my forearm before I could go. His hand left suds on my arm. "Are you okay, Aleks? Something happened yesterday night, and I was just wondering what that was all about." I shrugged. 

"It's all good now... It doesn't matter," I muttered. Seamus nodded, and dropped his hand, returning to his dishes again. Before I could think about it, my feet were already leading me back into James' room, back underneath his blankets. I sighed deeply, and closed my eyes. 


I gasped as I spilled out of the bed into a huge ocean, the salty liquid filling my lungs as I was pushed down after each new treacherous wave. I spat and struggled to keep my head above the water, reaching out for oxygen, clawing at the sky. My body was so exhausted from flailing around, I couldn't take it anymore. My feet felt so heavy, and I couldn't keep my head above the water. I let my body relax, and choked on a huge mouthful of water as I was dragged down deeper and deeper into the ocean. My head felt so light, I gave up. My throat was burning from the disgusting ocean water, and it felt as if my chest was caving in. I gasped for air under the water, but only sucked in a bigger gulp of water, making me cough and choke. My ears popped, making the sound of water around me almost deafening. My legs and arms couldn't move. I felt my body growing numb, and all my senses began to shut down. I closed my eyes as I turned into nothing. My feet suddenly became cold, along with my calves, and my thighs. I opened my eyes slowly, and looked below me. My body was slowly gliding into the dark, black abyss at the bottom of the ocean. I screamed, but the water silenced it. I waved my arms around, trying to pull my body out of the gaping ground. But the more I moved, the faster I seemed to sink. My body was freezing cold, and soon, my neck was being pulled down, and my head, slowly followed by my arms. As soon as my fingers had passed through the barrier, I fell down to the floor with a loud thud. I coughed and gagged, spitting up ocean water. I looked around me, but all I could see was blackness. I pushed my body off of the ground, and pulled my knees into my chest, trying to catch my breath. It was freezing in this weird, foreign place. I held my chest, and slowly got on my rickety feet. I reached out in front of me, feeling around. This whole place was blank... I just felt as if I was walking in space. Suddenly, a loud, high pitched squeal emitted through the area, and I clasped my hands over my ears, the sound barring deep down into my brain. Right as I started to feel as if I was about to pass out, the sound stopped, leaving me in complete silence. I glanced around the room, and jumped when a loud bang was heard. I turned around to see a light in the distance. It was practically blinding... I had to shield my eyes to get a good look. A small figure was standing in the way of the light. I dropped my hand, and stepped forward. "Hello!?" No answer. I starting walking towards the silhouette, but my walk turned into a jog, and my jog turned into a sprint. I couldn't handle being alone here anymore. "Please, help me!" I screamed, my legs exhausted from running such a far distance. But I still wasn't even close. I wheezed and gasped for air, and fell to my knees, still far, far away from the figure. Suddenly, the light flicked off, and I was alone in darkness again. "Please!" I begged. The light turned back on, but the figure was now standing right in front of me. And I screamed out in horror at what I saw. It was James, but not the James I knew. He had a devilish smile on his face, but his teeth were not straight and white. They were sharp and crooked. His eyes were completely dilated, big and evil. His skin was dripping, as through he was colored with paint. He hissed something inaudible, and knelt in front of me. I tried scurrying away from him, but my legs wouldn't move. I stared at the beast in front of me, fear draping over me like a huge, damp towel. He reached out, and lifted my chin with his wet, dribbling fingers, his eyes softening and his smile warm. His touch was starting to burn my skin. Tears dripped down my face, and I tried pushing away from him, but he wrapped his large arms around my slimmer frame before I could move. I screamed in agony as his touch burned through my clothes and set my skin aflame. I wriggled around in his embrace, trying to break away. But he held me tight. A soft sizzling sound was heard, and the burning sensation started to fade away as he pulled me into his chest, letting out a soft gurgle. His touch was cool and soft, and I soon found myself leaning into his hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. His skin dripped onto my own, draping me in a waxy kind of coating. I didn't mind though. I felt so safe in his arms, like nothing could ever hurt me ever again. The wax began to pile up on our bodies, until my own skin started to drip. Our bodies slowly began to melt together. And I let out a sigh of content as he whispered into my ear. I swept my lips across his jawbone as my waxy face began to dry and stiffen. "James..." He had dried completely. I never wanted to leave this place... Here... In James' arms... 

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