He Was Beautiful

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James P.o.V. 

I listened to the sound of Aleks vomiting in the toilet. Huh. I guess he wasn't lying. I rolled over in bed, and tried to block out the sound. He was gagging and choking, and it made me feel like barfing myself. I covered my head up with my pillow, muffling the noise. While curled up with a pillow over my head, I thought to myself. Why did Aleks say my name in his sleep earlier? My fingers were starting to ache from gripping the pillow. I released my grip, and took in a deep breath. He just was kicking around, whining, and then suddenly he stopped, and soon, he muttered my name quietly, as if he was whispering in my ear. The sound of his voice in such an innocent tone made my pants tighten. And the way he woke up was just... Perfection. He had opened is eyes fast, his chest rising and falling quickly, and he let out a weird gargle as he sat up. I spun around in my chair as fast as possible so he wouldn't notice that I had been watching him sleep. I had broken the beautiful silence out of pure nervousness. I couldn't control myself. I clicked randomly at my screen to make it look like I was actually doing something. He really was a beautiful person, and it fucking drove me crazy. Fucking asshole. Every time he opened his mouth, I wanted to slap him. But at the same time, I wanted to kiss him and tell him to be mine. Why, though? Why was I slowly falling in love with this loser kid? No... No, I wasn't falling in love. It was just a crush. And who honestly cares about crushes? For children. They're for children. I nodded, agreeing with myself. This'll pass. "James?" Fuck, no it won't. I turned and looked at my door. A figure was peeking in... I already knew who it was.

"What are you doing, Aleks?" I groaned, throwing my pillow off of my face. Aleks stepped deeper into my room, looking paler than usual. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but ignored it as best I could. 

"Do... You have any mouthwash? Seamus is already asleep... And I don't want to dig around in your stuff." I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. 

"Under the sink. There should be a bottle." My door closed, and I soon heard Aleks opening the cupboards and shuffling around in all of the bottles and containers in there. I let out an annoyed sigh, and closed my eyes. 


"Aleks, fuckin' eat the cereal. You'll feel better," Seamus' voice rang through the house. Aleks whined out his response. I opened my eyes slowly, knitting my eyebrows together. 

"I can't, I'm going to puke it up!" UGH. Fucking... Stupid... Baby. 

"Eat it slow, then, Aleksandr, christ," I let out a loud, angry groan. "Whoop, there's James. Better start eating before he comes out and yells." Aleks let out another soft whine. I climbed out of bed, and stomped down the hall, turning into the kitchen. I stood in the entryway, scanning the room. Seamus sat at the table, reading a book, coffee sitting beside him. He heard me enter, and he peered over his glasses to look at me. Aleks sat opposite of him, taking small bites of cereal, ignoring my presence.

"Can you shitheads keep it down?!" I snapped, running my fingers through my curls. Seamus frowned. 

"You're 24, didn't you grow out of your "shithead" phase?" Seamus retorted calmly before returning to his book. I snorted. 

"No. I'll never grow out of it," I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes. 

"Real mature, man. Real mature." I smirked, and began searching through the cabinet for my Pop Tarts. I glanced back over at Aleks, who was looking at me, too. His cheeks turned pink, and he looked down into his bowl, obviously embarrassed that I had caught him staring at me. I held down every urge to just stomp over and kiss him. I found my Pop Tarts, and eagerly ripped them from their silver packaging. I took a bite out of one, and leaned against the counter, the Pop Tart instantly satisfying my taste buds. I looked back over at Aleks, who had taken his last bite of cereal.

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