Dirty Little Secrets

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James P.o.V. 


I sat up in bed when I heard talking outside of the house. I furrowed my eyebrows together. Wow, that's rare... I looked over at the clock. 11pm... Especially at THIS hour. I climbed out of bed, and peeked out my window, spotting two figures walking up towards our house. It looked like... Aleks. But who was that walking beside him? I left my room, and decided to go into the kitchen, so  I had a better view at the front door. I tiptoed past Seamus' bedroom, making sure not to bother him while he was on the phone, and made my way to the fridge, grabbing a Pepsi to make it look like I was doing something. Why am I so curious, anyway? The front door opened, and I quickly made my way out of the kitchen, to make myself visible. I looked at the guy standing at the doorway. Aleks' back was turned to me, but the other man peered out from behind Aleks' shoulder to look at me, causing Aleks to turn around, too. "Oh, James..." He looked back at the man before turning back to me. "This is my... O-old friend, Eddie. Eddie, that's James. The one I was telling you about..." Eddie nodded, and swallowed, smiling sweetly at me. I walked up to Aleks' side, and stuck my hand out towards Eddie. He took my hand, and shook it once. 

"Aleks told me a lot about you," He muttered, and looked back at Aleks. Aleks smiled sheepishly at Eddie, and glanced innocently up at me. I pressed my lips together in a thin line, then poked my tongue out, licking at my bottom lip. "I'm glad... I'm glad someone has sort of "volunteered" to help this Communist." He grinned big at Aleks, and Aleks frowned. 

"Someone's got to do it, right?" I mumbled, giving a small smile. I saw in the peripherals of my vision that Aleks was staring at me in astonishment. I ignored him. 

"Yeah... Well... I better head back to Jordan's. Nice meeting you, James." He turned on his heel, and walked down the porch steps, and turned to wave back at us. I raised my hand in farewell, and closed the door. 

"You never told me you were a Communist," I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. "You never told me you had friends, either." Aleks' cheeks burned red in anger. 

"I am not a Communist. I am Russian! And why would I tell you, of all people, about the people I hang out with?!" He snapped at me, removing his jacket and tossing it to the floor. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 

"Jesus, calm down, man. I was just poking fun at you," I laughed, poking him in the chest. He clenched his jaw up before snatching my Pepsi out of my hand and running towards the living room. "Hey, what the fuck!?" I shouted, chasing him. Aleks was sitting in the corner of the room, his back towards me. He peeked behind him but quickly turned away again. I heard the can crack open, and the fizziness of the soda leaving the can. "No!" I lunged at him, and he waterfalled the soda into his mouth, gulping it down. I took hold of his wrist, yanking it backwards and pushing it against his back. He let out a small gasp, and I pushed him against the wall, reaching in front of him to grab my soda. He still struggled against me. 

"Let me go!" Aleks screamed. "Stop, let me go!" He sounded almost panicked. I yanked on the can, making Pepsi spray onto both of us, covering us in the sticky, brown, sugary liquid. I let go of Aleks, and groaned, my clothes soaked with soda. 

"See, now look what you made me do!" I yelled, looking down at all the soda on the hardwood floor. Aleks turned towards me, an angry glare on his face. 

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" He tried pushing me backwards, but only made me step back. I twisted my face up in confusion.

"Don't do what?" I flicked my hands down, spraying some of the soda off of my arms and onto the floor. He shook his head, and stomped out of the living room. I dropped the soda can to the floor and ran after him. He opened the bathroom door, and stepped inside, turning on the faucet. I got inside after him, closing the door. "What was that all about? If you hadn't had stolen my soda, we wouldn't have gotten it all over our clothes-"

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