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He set up a match against BVBFan007 and then sent the game invitation for the challenge, which they accepted almost immediately. Since he had set it up, he made the match BVB Dortmund against Bayern Munchen. He smiled to himself. 

It had been on purpose in order to piss his opponent off.

They probably disliked the Munich team as much as he did. Munich was one of Dortmund's biggest and fiercest rivals.

When he saw a message pop up on his television screen, he smirked. He used the buttons on his controller to open it.

BVBFan007: Are you serious?

BVBFan007: I'm not gonna play as Bayern, that is an insult to my skills.

BVBFan007: I'll be any other team, BUT NOT them.

Dortmund11: You have to.

Dortmund11: I already set it up ;)

BVBFan007: You're a little bitch, aren't you? -.-

BVBFan007: Why do you get to be Dortmund?

Dortmund11: Stop stalling and lets get started. Unless you're scared ;)

BVBFan007: Of you? Pfft! Don't make me laugh. Need I remind you who number one on the leaderboard is? ;D

Dortmund11: Not for long, BVBFan007.

BVBFan007: Jude.

Dortmund11: What?

BVBFan007: You called me by my usename. Which leads me to believe you are unaware that I have a name. Its Jude.

Dortmund11: Marco.

Dortmund11: Now lets play.

Their match ended a half hour later with Marco more annoyed than before. He had been yelling at the television screen during the emtire match and threw his controller on the ground in anger. He even wondered if there was some sort of conspiracy against him. When he played with his football player friends, he always won. But then BVBFan007 showed up and ruined his perfect winning streak.

Jude had defeated Marco once more, this time an embarassing loss for the Dortmund side, losing 4-1 to Bayern. Marco had been so sure he was going to win this time too. But it didn't turn out the way he planned.

When a message popped up on his screen, he almost didn't want to open it.

He just knew it would be Jude, taunting him over the loss. Even so, he picked up his controller off the ground and opened up the message. Rolling his eyes in annoyance before even reading it.

BVBFan007: Marco loses again ^.^

Dortmund11: No, I can't accept this. REMATCH.

BVBFan007: Can't. I have a life outside FIFA14, you know.

Dortmund11: Just one more. I know you're scared I'll beat you.

BVBFan007: Not even.

Dortmund11: Rematch.

FIFA || reusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora