Epilogue: Wedding Night

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Trigger warning: Sex

Mild(ish) smut ahead. Proceed with caution.

I was going to keep this story PG and just do a fluffy "proposal" scene but then I decided that this would be more fun! If you don't like smut you can skip this chapter.

Also disclaimer I've written smut exactly one (1) time before this and that was two years ago so please go easy on me.


John’s hands were shaking as he stood in front of the mirror.

He couldn’t believe it.

This was his wedding night.

He, John Laurens, was married.

Not John Laurens anymore. He reminded himself with a smile. John Laurens-Hamilton.

The thought made John giggle like a schoolgirl.

John ran his fingers over the ring on his finger, the ring symbolizing his union to Alexander Hamilton-Laurens.

He giggled again.

He was married to Alexander Hamilton.

The man he'd admired from afar for so long, the man he'd spent his teenage years dreaming about, the man he'd idolized.

He'd married his celebrity crush.

It was a dream come true.

If fifteen year old John could see me now, he'd lost his shit.

Twenty-five year old John was ready to lose his shit, if he was being honest with himself.

He still felt like he was dreaming. He'd even asked Peggy to pinch him.

John removed the hair tie from his hair, letting his wild brown curls fall freely around his face and shoulders.

John hated wearing his hair down. Hated how frizzy and messy and knotted it got.

But he knew that Alex would like it.

And tonight, that was what mattered to John.

He was nervous.

So nervous.

He'd been nervous about this night since the day Alex had proposed to him.

Alex had reassured him over and over that everything would be okay.

“I'm not going to hurt you, John. I promise.”

John took a deep breath.

He was afraid.

But that was alright.

Because being brave isn't about not being afraid.

It's about being scared out of your goddamn mind and doing it anyway.

Taking another deep breath, John opened the bathroom door and walked out into the bedroom.

“Hey, John.” Alex said, taking John by the hand and pulling him onto the bed beside him.

“H-Hey, Alex.”

“Don't be afraid, John. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.”

Alex leaned in and kissed John gently.

When he pulled away, John smirked and ran his hands through Alex’s hair.

“You really like my hair, don't you, John?”

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