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A/N: I hacked the system. If I write on Google docs and copy and paste it into here I can update on my phone without dealing with the stupid glitching. Yay!!!

John was alone in the library studying, surrounded by enormous piles of books and even more enormous piles of unfinished homework.

Just another wild Friday night.

The door to the library opened, and John looked up. His heart skipped a beat when he saw who had entered the library. None other than Charles Lee.

Oddly enough, John wasn't afraid. For the first time in his life, he wasn't afraid of Charles Lee. He was with Alexander now. He had q very valid and very real excuse to turn down Charles' sexual advances.

"Hello, my freckled beauty. Fancy seeing you here."

"Hello, Charles.” John said, looking up from his book and grinning. “What are you doing here? I'd expect someone like you to be spending your Friday night partying with the Redcoats. Why are you wasting your time in the library?”

“Why, I was looking for you, my darling.”

“Me? Why?”

Charles sat down in the chair next to John and gently caressed his cheek. John willed himself to stay still. He wasn't afraid anymore. He knew he could take down Charles if he had to. He knew what to say to turn him down.

“Well, I was thinking the two of us could go back to my place and do something a bit more fun, if you know what I mean.”

“I can't.” John said, pulling away from Charles.

“Are you still feeling ill, my dear?”

“Charles, I have a boyfriend.” John said.

It felt so good to be able to say those words, to be able to tell someone that he was taken and not have it be a lie. He'd spent so long imagining what it would feel like to say those words, to know in his heart of hearts that they were true and John Laurens was in a relationship.

It felt incredible.

“Who is he?” Charles asked, clearly not convinced.

“He doesn’t go here. He lives in New York. His name is Alex.”

John leaned forward and whispered in John's ear, his lips so close he could feel his warm breath on his skin.

“Well, this Alex from New York does not need to know.” Charles whispered. “You don't need to tell him, you do not need to say no to this. It can be our little secret. Nobody needs to know.”

“I can't.” John said. “I-I would feel terrible knowing that I was being unfaithful.”

“It is not being unfaithful, my dear Philip. It is simply having some fun. Think of it this way: your Alex is not here. He cannot satisfy you from so far away, cannot put his hands on you and kiss you and pleasure you. Alex would want you to be satisfied, wouldn't he?”

“Alex would not want me to cheat on him.” John said. “And if he found out that you seduced me into being unfaithful, he would kick your ass.”

John decided not to mention that Alex was 5’7” and probably couldn't tip the scale to 120 pounds soaking wet.

“I am not afraid, my dearest, Philip.”

“Well, I am. And I do not wish to be unfaithful.” John stood up and began to pack up his books. “While I do appreciate the offer, I would prefer to be loyal to my boyfriend and not run around getting with other people, no matter how accurate their fake British accent is.”

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