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A/N: I cried while writing this but happy tears not sad ones. You see no one loves me so I write fanfiction to feel the love I am lacking :) jajajaja I'm so lonely send help

"John, why are you screaming?"

John looked up from his pillow to see Lafayette and Hercules standing over him. 

"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" 

"We heard you screaming like a lunatic and we wanted to make sure you weren't being murdered." 

John jumped up, grinning like a goofball. 

"I'm not being murdered. In fact, I don't even wish I was being murdered! I feel great!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air on the word "great" to emphicize just how great he was feeling. 

"You're kind of acting like you've lost your mind, so if you'll excuse us we'll just be leaving now because when the police arrive and ask why you're running across campus wearing nothing but the shower curtain we can have deniability and say that we have no idea." 

With that, they left, and John was once again alone in his dorm room. 

Alone with his giddiness. 

Alexander Hamilton loved him. 

Alexander Hamilton loved John Laurens. 

He couldn't believe it. 

That beautiful man loved him. 


That beautiful man could have anyone he wanted, and yet he'd chosen John Laurens.

John felt almost dizzy with happiness. 

"Oooh, I do I do I do I doooo." John hummed to himself as he skipped around his dorm room, unable to contain his glee. "Boy you got me helpless. I look into your eyes the sky's the limit I'm helpless. Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em." John grabbed Lin from his tank and held him in his arms as he danced around the room in glee like a preschooler who'd just gotten an extra cookie at snacktime. "I'm so into you, I am so into you I'm helpleeeessss." 

John spun around with Lin in his arms, so happy he didn't care how stupid he probably looked. 

"Isn't this great, Lin? Alexander Hamilton loves me. That boy is mine, that boy is mine!" 

Then John remembered. Alex still had no idea John knew the letter was about him. 

He had no idea John liked him back. 

He'd left Alex on read two hours ago when he'd called Peggy in hysteria. 

Oh no. 

John frantically grabbed his phone and started texting Alex. 

John_Laurens: Hey, Alex! Sorry I left earlier. I was having a mental breakdown. 

Real smooth, Laurens. Real smooth. 

So much for not throwing away my shot. 

AnotherScottishTragedy: It's fine. I've had like ten mental breakdowns today so I'm really not in a position to judge.

John_Laurens: So... the letter

AnotherScottishTragedy: Do you have your guess yet?

John's heart was pounding out of his chest.

John_Laurens: I think so.

AnotherScottishTragedy: Who do you think it is?

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