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Trigger warning they're talking about weight and body image towards the end

Sorry if this chapter is kind of strange. I'm not feeling well but I still wanted to update.

John remained hopeful.

Despite everything that had happened, he was hopeful.

Hopeful that his parents would change. That they would see the error of their ways, that they would call John and apologize and tell him that he was their son and they loved him no matter what.

Any day now. He told himself. Any day now.

But days turned into weeks. And weeks turned into months.

And he heard nothing from his parents.

They'd removed all photos of him from their social media.

It was like they'd completely erased him from the narrative.

“John Laurens? Who’s John Laurens? Is he an actor or something?”

“We don't have a son. We've never had a son. Where did you get that crazy idea from?”

As far as they were concerned, John Laurens didn't exist.

John shook his head, trying to push away the negative thoughts. He was trying to remain hopeful, but it grew harder with every passing day.

Deciding that sitting in his bed feeling sorry for himself would only make things worse, John decided to call Peggy.

“Hey, Peggy! How's Punta Cana?” John said.

“Great. I haven't worn shoes in three days.”

“Wanna hear a funny story?”

“Anything to distract me from Angelica flirting with every guy on this island.”

Even John's gay ass couldn't deny the fact that Angelica Schuyler was hot.

“Do you know a girl named Maria Reynolds?”

“I've never heard that name.”

“She goes to your college.” John said.  “She’s basically your doppelganger.”

“My what?”

“A person who looks exactly like you. The only difference is that she wears red and always has her tits out.”

“And where exactly did you learn of this sexy tits-out red-dress-wearing girl?”

“Alex told me. She tried to get him to sleep with her.”

Peggy made a strange noise that John could only interpret as her choking on some kind of tropical drink.


“No. He said no to her and walked away. He called me after crying and saying how he feels bad.”

“You sure?”

“Alex would never cheat on me. He's better than that.”

“You know, Alex always told me that he thought I'd look better in red.” Peggy said thoughtfully.

“Just don't become a Redcoat.”

“Don't worry, John. I’m pretty sure I'll never become a 18th century British soldier.”

“At my school we have a fraternity called the Redcoats. They speak in obnoxious fake British accents and their leader wears a crown and calls himself King George III.” John thought for a moment. “George would actually be attractive if he wasn't so obnoxious. He's the kind of guy Zack Efron wishes he looked like.”

Another Scottish Tragedy [LAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now