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A/N: **Lams is slowly re-entering the chat**

Alex woke up in John's arms. 

This was his favorite time of day. That little bubble of time between when you wake up and when the day actually starts. 

It was so peaceful. No noise. No harsh florescent light. No responsbilities. No obligations. No hustle and bustle of daily life. Just the softness of the blanket and the warmth of John's arms around him. 

He wanted to stay in this moment forever. 

This blissful moment before reality had set in, when all of his problems were put on pause, when the responsibilities hadn't yet reached him to drag him out of bed and back into the harsh reality of college life. 

When he could pretend that everything was alright, just for a moment. 

When he could pretend that John wasn't heartbroken and betrayed, that Thomas Jefferson had never barged into  his life and taken away the single best thing that had ever happened to him. 

When he could pretend that he was alright. 

Alex buried his head in John's chest, inhaling his scent. He smelled like vanilla. Not the artificial vanilla scent of dollar store perfume. A rich, velvety vanilla scent that made Alex's mouth water. 

It made sense that John would smell good. Everything about that boy was so perfect, of course his scent would be perfect too. 

John, my love. I'm sorry you must suffer at the hands of that awful Thomas Jeffershit. 

I'm sorry the worst things happen to the best people. 

It was unfair. 

So unfair. 

That such horrible things happened to such good people. 

John Laurens was an angel. He didn't have a mean bone in his body. The poor thing wouldn't hurt a fly. 

And yet he'd been betrayed. 

He'd been hurt. 

He'd had his heart ripped to shreds, and when he'd finally pieced it back together, it had been broken again. 

It was so unfair. 

"I wish I could make this better for you, my love." Alex whispered. "I wish I could take all the pain away, could snap my fingers and make everything better."

"You can." 

Alex's body tensed. He hadn't realized that John was awake. 

"Just being here with me makes me feel a little better." John said. 


"Yeah." John said. "I kept pushing people away because I didn't want to get hurt anymore. But now that you're here it feels good. It feels good to have someone with me during all this." 

"I'm glad." Alex said. "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I know you're very upset and you need time, but I'll be here for you no matter how long it takes." 

"Thank you." John's voice was barely above a whisper. 

"You know I love you no matter what, right?" 


Alex reached for John's hand. John let him take it. 

"Can I kiss you?" Alex whispered. 

John looked scared, and Alex was afraid he'd asked too much of him. 

But John nodded. 

"Okay, but just a little." John smiled. 

Another Scottish Tragedy [LAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now