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Trigger warning: mention of past emotional abuse/manipulation, mention of homophobia. 

When John woke up the next morning, Lafayette was standing over him. 

"Are you feeling any better, mon ami?" He said when he saw John's eyes open. 

"Yesterday I felt like I'd been hit by a truck." John said, sitting up and rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes. "Today I feel like I've been hit by a small car." 

"So, better but still not great?" 


John's aching body screamed in protest as he threw off the covers and walked across the room to get his backpack. He put his pants on and sat down on the edge of the bed to put on his shoes. 

"Laurens, what are you doing? You have to stay in bed until you're feeling better." 

"I can't miss any more classes." John threw his notebooks into his backpack and walked towards the door. "I missed yesterday and if I miss today too I'll fall behind." 

"Laurens, you're not feeling well. If you keep exerting yourself when you're sick you'll never get better." 

"My GPA doesn't care how I'm feeling, Laff." 

"Fair point." Lafayette said, following John out the door. 

John took out his phone and checked the time. He had fifteen minutes until class started. At least he wouldn't be late. 

"Hercules is worried about you." Lafayette said. "He says he's sorry he couldn't come visit you, but design school is, how you say, kicking his ass." 

"I'm fine." John said, even though he had never felt less fine in his life. He felt dizzy and lightheaded and he felt like he was going to vomit even though there was no food in his stomach for him to vomit up. "Besides, sitting in my room all day isn't gonna make me any better. Maybe the fresh air will help me." 

"Laurens, you look like you're about to collapse. Please go back to bed." 

"I'll see you after class, Laff." 

"Laurens, wait!" 

"See you later!" 

John walked into the science building, grateful to be out of the sun. He made his way down the hallway to the psychology classroom, which gratefully wasn't completely full yet. He still had time before class started.

He sat down in his seat and took out his phone. He had a message from A. 

AnotherScottishTragedy: Good morning, John. Are you feeling better? 

John_Laurens: Yesterday I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Today I feel like I've been hit by a small car. 

Surprisingly, A responded right away. 

AnotherScottishTragedy: Awww. At least you're doing better than yesterday. 

John_Laurens: Did you get any sleep? 

AnotherScottishTragedy: I slept for 30 minutes, which is probably the most I've slept all week. On the bright side, all 51 essays are completed. Take that, John Jay. 

AnotherScottishTragedy: John Jay is my partner who gave up after writing five essays. 

John_Laurens: You really need to get some sleep. It's not good for you to pull so many all-nighters. 

AnotherScottishTragedy: I'm fine, trust me. I've gone longer than this without sleeping. And besides, I can sleep tonight cuz I finished the essays and I don't have another one due until next week. 

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