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Before John knew it, it was time to go back to college.

He thanks the Washingtons profusely for letting him stay, even going as far as to pull a very startled Mr. Washington into a hug.

“Good luck at school, son.” Mr. Washington said, patting John on the head.

“Why do you call me son?”

“I started calling Alexander son as a team of endearment and he hates it, and honestly the fact that he hates it just makes me do it more frequently.”

John laughed. “Alex would always tell me about how you call him son.”

“cAlL mE sOn oNe mOrE tImE!” Mr. Washington said in his best “angry A. Ham” voice.

John supposed that Mr. Washington was the closest thing to a father Alex had ever had. The thought was kind of sad, but George Washington was an infinitely better father than Alex's real father.

When John returned to school, he immediately sought out Hercules and Lafayette.

“John!” Laff yelled when he saw John approaching them across the green. “We have your turtle!”

Hercules hold up the tank with Lin inside. John picked Lin up and hugged him close, kissing his little turtle head.

“I've missed you so much, Lin.” John said.

Hercules put his hand on John's shoulder.

“John, are you alright?”

“I'm fine.” John said. “I have my turtle now, I’m fine.”

“Your parents kicked you out for being gay. Are you alright?”

Deep down, John knew that he wasn't alright. He had no family. The people he'd spent his whole life with, the people who had always told him how much they loved him and that they would love him forever no matter what, the people who had raised him. They'd disowned him. They never wanted to see him again. Never again would his mother hug him and kiss his forehead, never again would his father ruffle his hair and call him “Jacky.” Never again would John be a Laurens in anything but name.

“I… I don't know if I'm alright.” John admitted, stroking Lin's shell sadly. “My family doesn’t love me anymore because I'm no longer pretending to be someone I'm not. I've always thought that I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not, but… I love them. I love them and I miss them. Even if they are homophobic pieces of garbage, they're still my family. I just wish they would accept me.”

“I understand, John. It took my parents some time to adjust when I came out.” Hercules said. “They were mad at first, but when the initial shock passed they were able to accept it. Just give them some time. They're probably shocked by finding out so suddenly. Maybe they'll come around.”

“And no matter what happens with them, you still have us.” Lafayette said. “We still love you, even if your parents don't.”

John felt tears rising in his eyes. “Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away.”

“No matter what they tell you.” Herc and Laff finished in unison.

The three boys stood there with their arms around each other, none of them saying a word. They didn't need to speak, for they were all thinking the same thing.

“And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.”

Love is love

Is love

Is love

Is love

Later that night, John was Facetiming Alex.

Another Scottish Tragedy [LAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now