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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I hate Valentine's Day because I'm single and lonely but I decided to make this chapter fun to make this gross holiday a little less depressing. Enjoy!!


Alex turned around, and John's heart went boom.

There he was.

Alexander Hamilton.

John's idol. John's inspiration. John's boyfriend.

Standing three feet in front of him.

At long last, here they were.

After anticipating this moment for so long, it had finally arrived.

John had spent so long imagining this moment, trying to think of the perfect thing to say, the perfect thing to sweep Alex off his feet and show him how much he loved him.

Now as John stood facing Alex, everything he’d planned to say abandoned him. He was left completely speechless.

“John.” Alex ran towards John and threw his arms around him. John hugged Alex tightly, breathing in his scent and getting lost in his comforting warmth. “My Dearest, John Laurens.”

“My Alexander.”

Alex pulled out of the hug and kissed John on the mouth.

John’s body shuddered as he kissed Alex back. He felt like he was flying, like the rest of the world had dropped away and him and Alex were the only two people in the universe.

Kissing Alex felt so good. It was gentle and wonderful and beautiful and nothing like the rough violence of Charles’ kisses. Kissing Alex felt so… right.

They pulled away, their hands still joined between them.

“WHOOOO!! WAHOOOOO!! YES!!” Herc and Lafayette were clapping and cheering. “Encore! Encore!”

“You guys are so annoying.” John couldn't stop grinning.

“They grow up so fast.” Lafayette said, wiping away fake tears.


“We can't help it. You're just so cute!”

“So, Mr. Hamilton. What are your intentions with John?”

Alex smirked.

“Well, since you have asked, your John here has committed the unspeakable sin of stealing my heart, and in order to repay him, I have taken it upon myself to make him the happiest boy in the world by showering him with love and affection.”

John buried his head in my hands.

“Herc… you promised you wouldn't go all dad-mode on him.”

Herc laughed and patted Alex on the shoulder. “Be careful with this one, love. He's quite the charmer.”

“Guilty as charged.” Alex wrapped his arm around John.

“If you hurt him, I will end you.”

“I wouldn't dream of hurting him.” Alex kissed John on the cheek.

The four of them set off down the street, taking in the beautiful sights of the city. As they walked, Alex hesitantly slid his hand into John's. Smiling, John laced his fingers through Alex's.

“It's really you.” John said, staring into Alex's beautiful brown eyes in wonder. “It's really you. You're here with me. You're mine.”

“It's really me.” Alex said. “I'm here with you. I'm all yours, baby.”

Another Scottish Tragedy [LAMS AU]Where stories live. Discover now