Chapter 24: In the End

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"So hey guys... I'm Nikki. And This is not a question nor a dare but rather an apology..."

Wait. I turn at the massive screen and there she was, on the screen talking .

" apology for Harry. And I'll start it of by saying, I'm sorry."

I never thought she would be the one to say she's sorry.

Chapter 24:

<Harry POV>

"I was acting like an idiot, and I'm sorry for that. And I know this isn't related at all, but I know you're still keeping my glasses. Can you possibly give it to the girl at the front row, pink zone, the same outfit as before.."

I turn my head on the front row and there she was, wearing the similar clothing as she wore on the concert I first saw her, a One Direction T-shirt over a beige jumper, pencil skirt and a maroon beanie.

She waved at me smiling, whilst I gape at her until Liam said, "Can we get Nicolet up on stage?"

What's happening?

Not long after she was upstage and the crowd was quiet, I swear I could hear a pin drop with the silence.

I put down my mic on the mic stand and look at the backstage where Nicolet just started walking out with her head hung low and her brown eyes fixed on me.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Niall beside me.

He just shrugs and pushes me forward so basically I am in front of her now.

" You know what, I'm really sorry for being a witch, for being an idiot, for being stupid and for being every bad name you can call me, really. Back then, I promised that I would never swallow my pride ever again for some other guy, but you will be always the exception, because I love you... Will you forgive me?"

< Nikki's POV>

"...Will you forgive me?"

I swear to my internet connection, my heart is literally beating louder in my chest because of, fear of not being forgiven and, the nervousness of being judged by the people around us. But I don't let it show as I look at his eyes hopefully.

He looked quite nervous, I can feel his hand fidgeting as I still look at him.

"Harry, please say something."

He stayed still but not long after, he grabs something from his back pocket, my old glasses.

My eyes grew wide as he puts the glasses on my face, his face plastered with a dimpled smile. Then he suddenly spoke up while cupping my face.

" I knew it was you, Nikki, all along. And I love you, very much. I forgive you, although I don't get the point on why should you be the one saying sorry when I was on fault." Harry smiles as he slowly kissses me.

For so long, I have waited for this moment. I longed for the time that his lips are once on mine. It made me feel alive, not broken anymore.

Once we broke the kiss, the crowd--including the boys,  applauded. It was clear that most fans are genuinely happy of Nirry being officially canon. And although I knew that after this, we'll be screwed because of management, but who gives a damn? Not me. Not even the boys nor the fans. For all I know-- after being one of them, the things matter the most to these fans, is the boy's happiness, and when they see him happy, they are happy.

"We can talk later, just go to our dressing room after the concert." Harry whispers at me and I give him a hug, despite him being sweaty and all.

I wave at the crowd, spotting Bridget, Mel, CJ and Hazel on the crowd. After that I went back to the concert and sat with them.

" ... and I am happy to say, my dear internet friends, that Nirry is once again, canon.. Cheers for my fave OTP!" CJ applauds while eagerly filming herself at the same time.

"Do you need help with that, Ceej?" I chuckled.

"Oh, its the other half of Nirry!" Hazel exclaims. "What are your thoughts on both of you getting back together?"

"She's the NutellaNarry on twitter, Ceej?" CJ nods. "Well, I think it is amazing, Hazel. I hope everyone can accept that both Louis and Harry are happy with their girls... Lol just kidding, I just think this is amazing, and If you're upset on Harry being taken, don't worry, I'll supply you all with the shirtless pics that you need. Just ask." I wink at the camera before CJ faces it back on her and shrugs before turning off the camera.

"Nice meeting you again, Hazel. So you we're the person CJ was talking to online?" I smile at her and she nodded.

"CJ is really lovely to talk to, it was easy to get attached with her. So we decided to meet up while its still summer at their place. Wait, are you related or something?" Hazel replies.

"Her mom and my dad are siblings, so we're cousins." I answered.

"Oh okay... It's great to see you again, by the way..." Hazel remarks and we continue watching the concert with a wide grin. Everything is fixed now. 

Come to think of it,  all of this started when I was broken,  I was saved, fixed and loved a man who never gave up on me,  I met new people and I changed for the better.  He is the best thing that happened in my life, he changed me, and fixed my broken heart. And I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Thanks My Prince. I thought to myself as he sings, his eyes on me.

The End.

+ + + + +

"Gosh that was hard work." I sigh as I shake my hands after hours of typing.

"What are you even doing, Princess? " Harry enters my room with two mugs of tea.

I take off the thick black glasses I had for a second and accept the mug,  letting it warm my hands while rain was pouring hard outside. He's keeping me company while Bridget went back to the Eire for the weekend.

" The fans wanted our story,  so I figured,  why not just do it like a fanfic? " I answered.

"Fixing a Broken Heart?" He reads the title.

"What? That's how original I can get. " I say, pouting at him.

" I think it's already great. " He hugs me from behind. " By the way, get dressed,  we'll be having a movie night at Louis' place. "

"Okay." I kiss him on the cheek and shut down my laptop.

Yup,  everything is fine at the moment, fantastic to be exact. It has been a month ever since the concert. And nothing yet has gone wrong. But whatever the problem, we can fix it. I know we can.

So I guess that's my life at the moment. Byee everyone!

- The End (for real) -

= = = = =

A/N: Waaah! I can't believe this is over!  And sorry to suprise you,  but this is already,  in fact,  the end.  But don't worry,  I'll write an epilogue and maybe an author's note next week if I'm lucky. Love you all,  you FaBHulous readers! xx

- Claire xx

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