Chapter 18: Trouble In Holmes Chapel

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< Nikki POV>

We drove to Holmes Chapel for a few hours, arriving a bit late. When we arrived at the Styles residence,  Anne greeted us with hugs and I was introduced to Robin and Gemma afterwards.

Everything is still a bit awkward because I don't know if they like me, but if you'll ask me,  I've become quite close to Anne and Gemma for the past hour, they even showed some baby pictures of Harry.

"Is Harry taking care of you back in London?" Anne asks me while I help her fix dinner.

"Of course, He never left my side, especially when I was hospitalised." I smiled.

"So, are you taking meds for your depression?" Gemma asks.

"Yeah, and I just finished my therapy. I'm cured,as my psychiatrist says. Oh, I think the turkey is ready." I take out the turkey and took off the mittens.

"Nicolet, dear, why don't you go wash up and prepare for dinner."Anne proposes.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" I ask.

"We can do it anyway, its almost done. Now go." she reassure and I thank them before going back to our room.

I took my nicest clothes from the duffel bag and took a quick shower. I was drying my hair when Harry entered the room.

"Nicole, you didn't have to wear a fancy dress for our dinner. You could dress up like a hobo and my parents will still like you." Harry sighs.

I huffed, sitting on the bed. "I don't know, what if they don't like me? What if they think i'm an overrated girl who stresses over her break-ups? What if--"

He silences me by kissing my lips. "Nicole, they already liked you. You can see it in the way they act around you. Come on, don't be nervous, its fine. They'll like you just the way you are. Now, go change on something comfortable."

"Okay." I smiled.

I go back to my bag and picked a Christmas jumper and skinny jeans. "How's this?"

" Perfect. " Harry remarks, kissing my cheek. "I'm gonna go downstairs now, okay?"

"Okay... Oh, Haz?"


"Thanks." I smiled.

+ + + + +

"Look up,  Princess. "  Harry smiled.

We're standing beside the Christmas tree. It's only a few seconds before midnight,  before Christmas to be precise.

"Oh,  a mistletoe. " I gasp. " How did that get there? "

Harry shrugs, cupping my face. I glance at the clock,  seeing it's already twelve in the midnight.

"Merry Christmas, my prince." I grin.

"Merry Christmas, princess." he answers, leaning down to kiss me. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

We finally pull out to catch some air,  our foreheads on each other.

"What do you think Niall and Bridget are doing back in London? " I ask.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be fine. " He says. "Lets go to bed?"

"Yes, please!" I smile.

Then, he lifts me off and carries me bridal-style upstairs.

" Oh my god, Put me down! I can walk too! " I squeal,  wiggling out but in no use.

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