Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen


Maddy's Dream

When I heard about Maddy's dream, I was stumped. I had heard old wives tales about the Black Star of Azarath, but I had never seen the god damned thing itself. The oddest part was that Alice was in place of Azarath.

"What if it's showing you that Alice is Azarath in disguise? Then it would answer a lot of questions I have. When I met her, she had pinprick fangs, just like Xaldentar. Why was that? Another question I have is, how did she steal your car? Answer: you gave Alice a backup key to your car. See what I mean. Also it would answer the question of how she makes the stuff come out of her hands. In the tales, her henchmen painted it on, but she is a vampire so maybe she killed all her henchmen in her hunger, so now she has to use her limited, precious magic to paint the star." I could tell she was thinking, she finally came to the decision that it was just a dream, and that we should give no more thought.

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