Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine


Defeating Bullies

 I walked down the hall to go to lunch. I couldn't find Ryder anywhere. That was never a good sign.

"Come on, give us your lunch money, you wimp," a voice said coming from inside an empty classroom. I knew that voice the moment I heard it. John Stevens, the school bully. He's fat and ugly, was hovering over his gang's latest victim. Ryder? A victim? Not a chance that Ryder, of all people, would be bullied. I ran over to the door and listened in on the conversation.

"I don't have any money," Ryder said as a teacher ran past me, a terrified look on her face, "It's all on my account. Honestly boys, bullying people for lunch money went out of style the moment the world invented the internet, seriously guys, don't make me resort to physical violence," He told them defiantly, stepping away from them holding his latest purchase from the supermarket out in front of him. A red umbrella with a glowing stone right above the grip, but being rebuffed by the gang members surrounding him.

"Riiiight. You couldn't hurt a fly," John said maliciously. I winced, knowing that Ryder wouldn't take that one lying down, and I was right. As soon as John finished his sentence, Ryder's arms had disappeared into thin air, the umbrella hovering in mid-air, red mist flowing from the red crystal, which had suddenly cracked like a spider web. The umbrella suddenly flickered like a bad video chat reception, showing a sword under the guise of an umbrella. I suddenly realized what it was. It was the Soul Punisher. There some word that Ryder uses for the stuff, but I can't remember what it was called. Suddenly, the arms re-materialized behind John and punched both his sides at once, dematerialized(kind of like splinching after Disapparating in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but having control of the limbs that had splinched), and punched him in the mouth, creating a spray of blood, which Ryder caught a bit of in his mouth. The umbrella/sword glowed brighter than ever when the blood hit Ryder's tongue. Mist sprayed from the umbrella like smoke from a burning building, but falling to the ground instead. He grinned in pleasure. I snapped out of my shock and ran towards them. As I ran over to John and the rest of his cronies, I heard Ryder say something like,

"Hepleclios,"with his fingers moving faster than I thought possible, pentagrams of light glowed around Ryder's hands, and the now open umbrella's crystal cracked even more, until you couldn't see anymore crystal, only fractures, and when even more blood hit Ryder's tongue, even more mist than before spewed out of the fractured crystal, proving to be too much for the broken crystal, exploding all over the classroom, the chunks of crystal embedded itself in the walls, creating a geyser of magic that roared with the ferocity of Niagara Falls, New York, when I realized what it was for. It was an enhancer. Ryder couldn't pull off that kind of magic on his own, so he was using the umbrella as a Focus. Focuses are magical objects that are linked to the user, and enhance their magical capabilities. I suddenly realized what Ryder was doing. He was trying to open the portal to Hell with a focus to make his spell more potent. He had gotten the ability to do that when he was in hell's deepest, darkest pit. In Greek Mythology, it was called Tartarus, the place where the worst of the worst, like the titans, went. I don't know how he got the power, but all I know is that it is unique to him.

"Ryder!!! Stop this nonsense!!!" I screamed, trying to counter the spell, my fingers began to move, but far more slowly than his, and without a focus to empower me, Ryder was by far the superior. Green and red pentagrams flew around, clashing into each other, creating red and green fireworks. The few spells that made it past Ryder's blood red sentries flew towards the portal, clashed into it, and it would shrink considerably, the it would split wide again, the seam of reality and hell burning even brighter, the air around it beginning to... crack??? The space time continuum was beginning to fracture under the strain of the magic. I could see the small rift in the fabric of space beginning to close but obscenely slowly, and the scene within was no pretty sight. Infinite masses of people being whipped, or trying to save loved ones from another death. The red wasteland took sprays of blood as the damned died again and again, and soaked in the blood, and it was gone as fast as it got there, but everything was in fast forward. It looked like everything was moving at ten times as fast as it should, seeming like a single second out here was ten inside. When Ryder didn't stop attacking John with his re and dematerializing, I ran over to where I hoped he would rematerialize next, and when he did, I grabbed the back of his shirt, and pulled him away from the group, tearing the seams of his black coat, (which was also spewing mist from the seams, sleeves, and hood) and quickly shut the portal. John and his gang were terrified. They ran away as fast as their fat legs could carry them(which wasn't very fast), out the door, and ran right smack into the teacher that had run past me in the hall, and the principal, who gave them each detention for a week after, I assume, hearing the threats, running to collect the principal, then coming back after the fight was concluded, fortunately for their sanity, Ryder cast a spell to make the room look completely normal, even though the scene inside would have terrified any mortal mind except maybe Bella and my mother.

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