chapter 33

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"Ya Sultana what is it?" Amal asked worriedly. Sultana stood still holding her stomach with one hand, and the other tightly at the edge of the kitchen counter. She winced painfully.

"I don't know Ami," 

"Should I call Ya Sultan?"

"No, Ami it's okay, I feel better now."

"You sure? 

"Yeah I am thanks."

"I'll bring the food go and rest."

Sultana gave Amal a sly smile. She laid on the couch.

Amal came in after some minutes with a large tray filled with spaghetti, smoked chicken and a caesar salad. And a cold glass of mojito.

"Sorry ya Sultana, or should we go to the hospital?" Amal asked as she noticed her uneasiness. "I think it is better now, thank you."

They ate together talkiing about celebrities wore for the MET GALA.

It was late as it was, and Sultan was not back.

"Ya Sultana, Ya Sultan is not back yet?" Amal voiced Sultana's thoughts.

"Maybe he is stuck in traffic." 

"Umm Ya Sultana, I do not mean to pry, but is everything okay between you guys? I noticed you two are off these days." Sultana  heaved an exhausted sigh
"Amal we just need space I think."

"Okay." She nodded her head as if she understood, but she was lost, what did Sultana mean by 'space' She huffed and continued pressing her phone.

"I think Ya Sultan is back." Amal said peeping from Sultana's room window.
"Alright." Amal discerned Sultana was not ready to welcome her husband. "Should I tell him you are asleep?" "That would be very nice Ami thankyou."

Welcome ya Sultan, how's work?" She collected his laptop bag.  "Fine Ami, how are you?"
"I'm cool." His eyes searched for Sultana but he didn't ask of her.  "Would you like to eat now?"

"No, thanks I ate at Hajia Kande's house."

"Oh, that is where you went?" "Yes." He said removing his boots. "Ya Sultana is sick."

He did not reply, "Ya Sultan, I said ya Sul."

"I've heard Amal what do you want me to do?"

"I am sorry, I was just informing you." She rolled her eyes heavenwards.

He got up and angrily left for his room.

Amal stood frozen. What had come over her brother. He was supposed to be taking care of his wife in her condition.

She sat down and dialled Khaddy's number.

"Hey, Ami whatsup?"  "Fine how are you how is every every."

"Cool but the weather here is mad."

"Where is Nasreen?" "She is here, sleeping."

They talked for a while before she told her what she witnessed between Sultan and Sultana.
"I think you should talk to Ya Sakina, to talk to him.

"Yeah, I have to, if possible tell her to talk to dad. He has to take care of her she is carrying his child. And it is Ya Sultana we are talking about!! my best friends sister."

Khaddy whispered so that Nasreen wouldn't  hear.

"Yeah, I think that is a good idea, today she was in severe pain, what if somethin happened to her? I was so scared, and ya Sultan was at Hajia Kande's house can you believe it?"

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