chapter 19

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Another one for my babycakes muhibbaadam I love you💙💙 Hope you enjoy this one.

Sultana thought of things she could do for Sultan's birthday. What was she going to give him? A car, a house, and what not that he already owned.

She wanted to gift him something special, that will be etched in his memory for a long time.  Then the perfect plan struck her mind, she smiled to herself. If she wanted to do this for Sultan she had to start preparing, his birthday was one week away.

"So what did dad do regarding the incidence?" Fawaz asked.

"He threatened to divorce her if she worries Sultana again." "I must say Sultana is strong, that day when we came in and saw you cleaning the blood, I imagine how you felt, let alone Sultana." "Man, it wasn't easy I tell you it was hard to accept that the baby was gone."  "I know right, do you think Sultana will ever forgive mum?"

If she forgives her, may Allah reward her, Sultana is soft-hearted, but I don't know how soft a heart can be after killing somebody's child. I forgave her already she is my mom, and she  deserves my respect."

Fawaz shook his head lightly.

"Uncle Fawaz I want ice cream please."

"No your mom said you can't have ice cream, you already caught a cold."

"Uncle Sultan can I have ice cream please," she squinted her eyes. 

"No, sweetheart, you heard what uncle Fawaz said."

"But I want to take it for aunt Sultana, she likes it."

At t the mention of Sultana's name his heart beat faster. "Okay, we will get ice cream, which one do you want?"

"I want a blue bunny." "Blue bunny it is Jazza."

Jazza was a bubbly girl of five years. She was Fawaz's nice and was so adorable.

"So it is because of Sultana you bought ice cream for Jazza? Kai, anyi whoop da kai."

"Wuff akayi dani Yasin, you can say it again, anything for my girl."

"Aunt Sultana." Jazza ran into Sultana's wide-open arms.

"If it is not my cute bubbles, who else will it be?" Sultana twirled her around.

"Fawaz, I you finally, decided to bring Jazza for me." They exchanged pleasantries.

"She was disturbing me all day."  Her gaze shifted to Sultan. She gave him a side hug.

"Let's go and eat am sure y'all are famished."

"Yes, Sultana, I miss your food, Sultan is one lucky guy." He hit his shoulders playfully.

"Sultana, any woman I am marrying must come and learn some dope cooking skills from you."  All these for just fried rice Fawaz." "You call this just," Fawaz replied. "Hurry up and bring woman for us, wait is there a girl?"

They gave Fawaz a questioning look.  "Maybe." He replied with a grin on his face.

"I want to be a chef like you when I grow older."

"Sure you will sweetheart, you can be anything you want to be, just believe in yourself okay." She said to the little girl who slightly understood
Sultana was going to be an amazing mom Sultan thought.

"Aunt when are you going to bring a baby home so we have play dates with her. I am always alone at home."

It was an innocent question Jazza asked.

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