chapter 31

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During the drive back home. She pondered where Sultan was, it was six pm already, and she had not heard from him.

She had a hot bath to ease and relax and changed into her comfy PJ. She had read her Isha prayers and Sultan was still not back. The babies made their presence known all the time, she was easily tired and fell asleep in no time. But she was determined to wait for him and talk things out today. Her stomach churned protesting in hunger, she hadn't had a decent meal since morning. She went to the kitchen, and rummaged her fridge she decided to prepare herself noodles. Just then the doorbell rang, and she knew it was Sultan, she heaved a sigh ready to face him.

When he came in the first thing he noticed was her stomach. This was the first time he was paying attention to how big her stomach had grown. She watched how Sultan looked at her stomach dazzled.
"Where were you Sultan?" She asked calmly.

"Seriously, Sultana did you not hear that Manal is sick I went to visit her."

"And you left me unfeelingly, we were supposed to go to the hospital remember, what has come over you, Sultan?"

"Nothing has come over me, just mind your damned business, where I go is none of your concern Sultana." He spat angrily. Sultana blinked hard trying to comprehend what Sultan had just uttered.  "C'mon on Sultan you know there is a gap between us, and for us to fill that gap we need to communicate, tell me what is problem?" She cradled his face in her palms, she saw eyes soften as if he was listening to her. He closed his eyes and turned around. Sultana watched him perplexedly waiting for his action.

"Look Sultana, I am going to get married to Manal soon, and these things you are saying won't matter."

"What? Sultan,"  "Yes Sultana you heard me right, I don't care about you and your stupid communication, just leave me the hell alone."

"Sultan, what the fuck did you just say to me, are you serious right now? Just know, the moment I leave I am not turning my back."

"Are you threatening me, Sultana?" "Believe me  Sultan it is not a threat it is a promise."

"Whatever, Sultana do what you like." He said holding her arms tightly. No, this was the height now, how dare he. "If you think you are the last drop of water in the ocean you must be mistaken, with or without you Sultan, I will live my life, and happily." She was trying to free herself from his tight hold.

"Let me go, Sultan, you said it yourself so let me go, you have Manal." His hands tightened on her arms stiffer this time.

"Leave me alone, Sultan you are hurting me."
She groaned. He released her forcefully that made her stagger and she fell hard on the floor, she hit her forehead by the edge of the staircase. She stood up and moved away from him as she saw him coming close.

He watched her as she ran upstairs to her room, and he followed after her and the trail of blood that trickled from her forehead.

She picked her box and started shoving things inside it, she wept hard, as the blood trickled from her temple down to her cheek.
She didn't bother cleaning it, all she wanted was to vanish into the cold thin air, be far away from him and everything.

If he was really under a spell it was working.
Sultan came in and saw Sultana shoving her clothes in the box. He used his handkerchief to wipe the blood from her forehead, with great effort cause she didn't let him touch her.

"Leave me the hell alone Sultan, what do you want from me?" She kept shoving her stuff in her box and Sultan removed them from the box.
Sultana watched him with arms folded on her chest. He did not realize  what he said was hurtful and foolish. All he knew was that Manal said they were getting married so he agreed. Manal said he should go home and argue with his wife or send her packing which was exactly what he did. When he realized Sultana was about to leave, uncaring about her box, he discerned hastily ran downstairs, took the house keys, her car key, and drove out, and warned Emmanuel,  if he dared to open the door that would be the end of his job.

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