chapter 4

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"Hey, Khadijah please I need you to get me sanitary pads asap." "Wait what!! Ya Sultan what for?"
"I want to wear it, just bring it please and also bring some pain killers, hurry is throwing up seriously."  Sultan said looking worriedly at Sultana who was throwing up. "Okay Ya Sultan, right away." For some reason she smiled, she was optimistic about the marriage.

"You are not fine, let's go to the hospital please." "I am fine thanks." And she threw up again.. Could her day get any better.

"Khadijah is here let me get the door." He strode quickly. "She's been throwing up real bad I don't know what is wrong, Let's take her to the hospital." He said with worry etched over his face.

"Don't worry Ya Sultan it is normal for girls on their periods to throw up it comes with different kind of illnesses and mood swings, you should know the biology of women by now." "I really have to do more researches on that do you go through all this?"
"Not really mostly my waist and legs that I get cramps."  Sultana came out of the bathroom.

"Thank you Khaddy for saving my sorry ass, I have never felt this embarrassed in my life."
"I know right, on the night of your wedding, epic!" Khadijah giggled softly. "He might be a keeper ya Sultana." "You think?" "Yeah most definitely." Sultana smiled as she thought of Sultan's gesture.

"Thank you Khaddy." Sultana said earnestly. "You don't have to  thank me anything for our amarya." Sultan shot her a glare and she rephrased her statement. "Okay, fine your amarya."  She rolled her eyes skywards. "Whether you like it or not she is ours too."
"Your work here is done, you may leave now."  "Oh really, when you were busy calling me earlier you didn't know now you are chasing me away."  "What ever, thanks, you are a life saver."  Sultana smiled faintly at their  banter it reminded her of her siblings.
"Bye Ya Sultana, see you tomorow, hope you are not feeling much pain if you want I can stay?"  "The pain has lessened thanks so much, you don't have to stay, I have stressed you enough."


"Thank you Sultan, I really appreciate all your efforts ." "No biggie." His lips curved into a smile. Sultan led them on as they climbed the stairs, he showed her to her room. "Please make yourself comfortable this is your home too." Sultana was forced to smile he was such a gentle man.

When he left, Sultana heaved an exhausted sigh, and admired the heavily furnished room, everything screamed splendid, what less could you imagine from a multi billion family... She went into the  ensuite bathroom and freshened up, after that she changed into her comfy PJs.

 She went into the  ensuite bathroom and freshened up, after that she changed into her comfy PJs

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She unbound her kohl-black hair that plunged over her shoulders and combed it. Just then she heard a knock on the door she knew it was Sultan.

Gosh! he was going to see her in just PJs and her hair, there wasn't any scarf close to her.
He knocked again.  "Come on in." Her voice came out softly.  When he beheld the image in front of him, he realized he wasn't breathing at that moment. Sultana was self cautions, she  recalled Afrah saying there would be more awkward moments  and this was one of them.

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