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I am so sorry that this took so long! And that it is so short! I have school again now, and I went to right this chapter and I almost finished, got on the next time and it was deleted! Well, here you go! Hope you all like it!


"Why didn't you tell me Bin?" I feel tears stream down my face at an incredible rate. "I could have gotten you the medicine and you would be just fine! Why didn't you tell me?" I hold on to him and cry. 

"Ariel, Ariel, Ariel," He taps my head, trying to get me to look up, "Now you won't have to chose between Cato and me," I still don't look up. "Don't cry," he says quietly. 

"Everyone cries Bin," I say, wiping away a few tears. 

"I mean for me," He whispers. I remember when I said that to him that night in the training center, and I remember what he said to me later.  

"But you put me through so much trouble Bin, and I'm not done with you," I sort of half laugh have sob into his shirt. He grabs my hand with his and I feel a teardrop fall on the top of my head. I look up and wipe it away, he laughs a little and wipes away my tears. "You can't leave me here alone, you have to take care of me," I whisper. 

"You won't be alone, Cato can protect you from Sein and Zane and he will take you home. Back to District Twelve okay?" He says. 

"No, that's not okay Bin!" I start crying again, "I want you. I need you! Your my best friend Bin, my hunting partner." 

"You can hunt with your mother and Gale," He says sadly. 

"It's not the same," I shake my head, "It will never be the same. Your mine and I'm yours and that's it. Nothing else." 

"Ariel, you have to let me go," he leans back and grabs my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes, "You have to forget about me, I'm gone," he pauses, "This isn't how I wanted to spend my last night with you..." he looks down and starts rubbing some burn cream on my arm. I pull my arm away and look up at him when he starts yelling, "Ariel! Your hurt and this will heal you!" 

"I'm sorry," I whisper and I give him back my arm. "Don't use too much, it needs to last." When he finishes, I climb on his lap and kiss him, he kisses me back instantly, wrapping his arms around my waist. A warm feeling spreads across my whole body and it makes it impossible to stop kissing him, makes me hungry for more. I grab his head with both of my hands and kiss him more and more. Will this be the last time that I kiss him? Will the last time we hunted be the last time we hunt together? Will the Reaping Day be the last time he ever sees Silly? Will tonight be the last night I see him breathing, able to rest my head on his chest and hear his heart? Will I wake up to the sound of a cannon and find Bin dead, right next to me?  

My hands instantly drop and I slump a little and start crying again. "You can't, you, you can't die!" I cry between sobs. "You can't, you just can't!"  

"Shhh shh shh..." he whispers in my ear as he intertwines his fingers with mine.  

"You can't leave me Bin!" I start crying so hard it is amazing that I am even still able to breath. 

I hear the sound of a microphone being picked up and Claudius Templesmith starts speaking, "A prize will be held at the lake, the East side. In an hour." it sounds like he has been crying and that's how I know that this is Bin's medicine. 

I jump up quickly and wipe away my tears that are quickly vanishing with the hope of Bin living. My chances are small at getting the medicine, considering that Sein and Zane will want the prize as well, but his camp is in the wheat field, right by the lake. But I must try to get it anyway! 

The Paylor Games~Katniss' daughter (The next book is sorta up!)Where stories live. Discover now