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I jump off of the couch and storm out of the room. "He cant do this to me! He just cant!" I scream. 

"Hes a gamemaker Ariel! He can do anything he wants to do!" Bin yells at me. I ignore him and run out the door. When I almost reach the elevator I trip and break a painting hanging on the wall. I groan at the gash it made on my shoulder and grab a towel to soak up the blood. I rush down the hall and into the elevator. My arm is bleeding again, and now my shoulder, on the same arm, is oozing red liquid. I hurry to the gamemakers quarters and bump into my mom. 

"What did you do to your shoulder!" she shrieks. 

"Fell. Haymitch and Peeta haven't found you yet?" I say. She shakes her head and I smile. "Well Plutarch gave me a twelve in training."  

"What!" she turns around and starts pounding on the door. "Plutarch let me in right now!" she screams. 

"No!" he yells back. 

I step up and kick the door once, since my hands are occupied. "Plutarch! Please let me in..." I beg. He opens the door to my voice and I walk in.  

"Not you Katniss." Plutarch says.

My mom's eyes widen in disbelief, and her mouth pops open. "What!" She screams. She runs up to do horrible things to Plutarch, but I hold her shoulders, having to drop my towel, letting blood drip down on the white carpet.

"Mom! Stop it! Stop it!" I yell. She calms down at my voice and takes a step back.  

"Fine!" She snaps. "Fine! You can just send my daughter into an arena and try to kill her like you did me and I will ignore it! Fine!" She turns on her hills and storms away, knocking over a vase. "You might want to pick that up Plutarch!" Plutarch puts a hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Come on." He whispers. I look around, like a frightened animal, and take a few, small, weary steps into his room. He guides me to his bed and I sit on the foot of it. "What did you need Ariel?" Plutarch asks.

I am too shocked to answer at first, but then I come to my senses. "Why did you do it?" I hiss.

"What?" He rubs the side of his face groggily, obviously tired.

"Give me a twelve! That will get me targeted for sure Plutarch!" I yell.

"By girls, yes. But it will save you troubles with boys. They will all want to take you home even more." he tells me in an unemotional tone.

"I didn't want that! I want to go home with Bin! I don't want to be targeted, or wanted!" I scream at him.

"Listen to me! Tomorrow they will ask you all who you want to go home with! I am certain you will be a popular answer! You will answer Bin and break their hearts! Good entertainment!" He tells me.

"They already know! They all know I will do anything to go home with Bin! This wont solve anything except problems for me!" I push his hands away from me and stand up.

"I just wanted to help you!" He yells at me.

"Well maybe I don't want the help of a gamemaker!" I scream before pushing him out of my way and going for the door. He grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"What was this for then? Why did you have to come in here?" He snaps.

"To tell you to treat me like any other tribute!" I spit at him.

"So you want me to target you in the arena!?" He yells.

I think about this for a second. I want to still be mad, and I want to stay right. "No! Why would I tell you to do that!?" I yell. I reach for the door and swing it open. "Stupid gamemaker." I mumble quietly. I know he heard it because he sighs right before I slam the door loudly. I walk at first, then make a dash for the elevator. I hit the two and wait for the doors to open. When they do, I walk out, down a hallway, and into District Two's area. I make turns as I try to remember how to get to Cato's room. I do not know why I wanted to come here, but I did, and there is no turning back now. I guess I came to make something clear to him. But what? I honestly don't know.

The Paylor Games~Katniss' daughter (The next book is sorta up!)Where stories live. Discover now