•Pocky Challenge•

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I went back to the bus after taking pictures of Mt. Aso and buying a few snacks. I started eating the chicken I bought.

I heard Solbin's fake laugh. She was probably with Jin. I looked up and saw her laughing with Mr. Kim. Jin entered the bus shortly after them and looked a bit worried.

All my jealousy vanished after seeing him slightly frown. As he sat beside me, he smiled at me. His smile seemed a bit forced.

"Oppa, are you alright?", I asked. "Mmm...ne.", Jin answered. I wasn't convinced though. "I don't think your are. Actually, let me rephrase that, I know you're not okay.", I said.

Jin just stared at my chicken and smiled. "Can I have one to make me feel better?", Jin asked. I nodded.

He took a piece and ate it quickly. "Hwa Young.", Jin called me. I was already staring at him so I just had to lift my head a little.

"Do you...do you...", Jin started. I wanted him to propose to me already. I couldn't wait any longer. Those were the starting words to a proposal.

"Yes.", I said happily. "You don't even know what I was about to say. Do you wanna go together tomorrow in the theme park?", Jin asked.

I wanted my body to be sucked into the ground because of embarrassment. I started blushing so hard that I had to look down.

"Yeah.", I answered softly. Jin looked away and was called by his father. I looked at the window and sighed. What on earth was that?

Jin came back so I had my straight face back. I couldn't help but still feel embarrassed so I decided to look out the window and put in one of my earplugs.

"Hwa Young, you can sleep again on my arm. It's gonna be another two hours, but I think there's an extra half an hour.", Jin said.

I looked at him and smiled gratefully. I went back to look outside the window. I decided to check out the pictures I took at Mt. Aso.

I was distracted by it, when I realized someone's eyes lingering on my camera. I looked beside me and found Jin also looking at the photos I took.

"Mianhae, they look really nice.", Jin said while looking down. I smiled and went back to looking at my pictures.

I closed my camera and looked out the window. The bus had started moving. I looked at Jin who was taking out some Pocky.

I looked at him then the Pocky. "Uhm...do you want some?", Jin asked. "Well, I gave you a chicken so you better give me some food too.", I said.

Jin pouted. "Hmm...How 'bout we just play that game that teenagers play.", Jin suggested. "Oh, the Pocky challenge?", I asked.

"Yeah. That one. You know the rules right?", Jin asked. I nodded. He took out one Pocky stick and I immediately blushed, realizing what I was agreeing to.

I might—Actually, no, I will kiss him if this is the case. He put one end of the Pocky stick into his mouth and stared at me.

I hesitantly bit the other end. I continued chewing and chewing and he did the same. The stick grew shorter and shorter until it was just about an inch left.

I stopped chewing and so did he. We both had mutual thoughts. We were gonna kiss if we continued.

Suddenly, the bus stopped abruptly and the stick fell on the floor. Jin picked it up then put it in a tissue. He looked away from me and continued eating his Pocky.

I wanted to throw myself out of the window. I was so embarrassed. I looked at the window while looking at my reflection, a red face.

I decided to just listen to music then fell into a deep sleep.

2 Hours and 30 Minutes Later...
I got off the bus sleepily. Jin also fell asleep so we woke up when Yoongi and Namjoon were waking us up.

I looked at Jin who yawned and looked at me. He winked at me and I just rubbed my eyes, showing how I sleepy I was.

"Okay, everyone be back here after 4 hours.", Mr. Kim said. I looked at Jin. "Wanna go together?", Jin asked. I nodded.

"Oppa, let's go to—"

"Sorry, I'm going with Hwa Young and my friends. Unless, you'd like to join us.", Jin cut her off. She gasped and glared at me, then walked away.

"Hold onto my hand, you might get lost.", Jin advised me. I looked at him, but he was looking somewhere else. I held his hand.

"Oof. Holding hands.", Yoongi muttered. I looked at him from behind and glared at him. 'You're ruining the moment', I mouthed. Yoongi smirked at me and Namjoon just laughed at my furious face.

"Where do you want to go first?", Jin asked me. I looked at the map. I wanted to go somewhere with some horror.

"How about 'Thriller City'?", I asked him. He looked at me with shock and fright. "A-Are you sure?", Jin asked me. I nodded.

Jin looked away and I could see in his face that he was scared to go where I wanted to go. "Wae-o? Are you scared?", I asked.

"A-Ani, If that's where you want to go, then let's go there.", Jin answered. I giggled, knowing that he was just trying to be braver.

I squeezed his hand and let go of it. I looked at my map and ran towards Thriller City. I looked around and saw a place that looked really interesting.

As I was about to enter, Jin grabbed my hand. "Are you sure you want to go here?", Jin asked me. I nodded. I squeezed his hand.

"It'll be fine"

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