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"Aishh...Both of you are so hard to wake up.", I heard Namjoon complain. I smiled a bit.

"How dare you Hwa Young! Are you insulting my eyes? Of course I see you smiling.", Namjoon shook his head.

I opened my eyes and turned my head. I found my brother still sleeping.

"Let's leave him. It's okay. He woke me up way too early this morning. He needs his karma.", I said.

"Doesn't mean I look like I'm sleeping means that I don't hear and understand what you're saying.", Suga said. Namjoon and I laughed.

My brother woke up and we all got out of the car. We entered the building.

"This is Kim Enterprises. The building we are in now is just Building K.", Namjoon said.

"How many buildings are there?", I asked. "Well, if our boss's name is Kim Seokjin. Then there will be 3 buildings in total.", Suga said.

"Now, our offices are here so you can come up with us after we register our names here.", Namjoon said.

Suga and Namjoon went to the clerk and said their names to her. She clicked something on the computer and gave them their time card.

They wrote down the time they arrived and gave it back to the clerk. She told them not to use the staircase since it was being repainted. They thanked her and cam back to me.

"Are we going up already?", I asked. "Yep. By the way, wear this pin, it will signify that you're a visitor here.", Suga said as he put the pin on my shirt.

"I should have dressed myself into more appropriate clothes.", I said. Suga and Namjoon nodded.

"If you can't stand it, there's a nearby store over there where you can get semi formal outfits.", Namjoon informed me.

"I'll go there really quickly. You guys can go ahead. What level are you guys on?", I asked.

"We are both on the 7th floor.", Suga said. They both left for work while I left to buy a blouse since all I was wearing was a T-shirt with some leggings.

I decided to buy a white blouse which had a cute silver and gold print on it.

I wore it and went back to Building K. As I was going back, I accidentally bumped into a guy.

"Oh, uhm...I'm really sorry.", I apologized and bowed to him. "No problem. Are you okay?", he answered.

I looked up and found a very handsome man. His shoulders were broad and he looked like a prince.

"Are you okay?", he repeated. "Y-yes.", I answered, stuttering.

"Falling for me?", he asked while smirking. "Huh? No. I don't get a crush right away because of handsome men.", I said while flipping my hair.

"So you admit it, I'm handsome?", he asked, still smirking. "Uhm..." He laughed.

"It's okay. I know I'm handsome, it's alright to have a crush on me. I mean, I'm Worldwide handsome.", he said proudly.

I laughed, I realized that I was talking to Namjoon and Suga's friend.

"So, Worldwide Handsome, you're the boss of a big company aren't you?", I asked.

"Yup. That building over there is for my company. Are you my friend's brother?", he asked.

"If you're referring to Suga, yes. I actually have a resume with me to work in your company.", I said.

"Then, I'll happily look over it. We should get to the building, your brother is probably looking for you.", he smiled at me.

We walked to the building. As we entered, many people bowed seeing Jin. "Good morning sir!", many people greeted.

He smiled at everyone who passed by him. We used the elevator and went to the 7th floor.

I found my brother trying to call someone. He looked up and found me with Jin.

"Ah, there you are! Namjoon and I were trying to call you. You weren't answering our calls.", he scolded.

"You really worried us.", Namjoon added, who was right beside Suga.

"It's alright guys. She's in safe hands. I'm so handsome that I caught her eye.", Jin said proudly. I laughed while the boys just rolled their eyes.

"I'm sure by the statement he just said, you know who he is.", Suga said. I nodded in response.

Jin just smiled at me and winked. "Yah! Don't flirt with her!", Suga and Namjoon said loudly. Jin and I laughed.

"Let's all go to my office and have a chat there. I think we're disturbing other office workers.", Jin said.

We all went back to the elevator and went up to the 12th floor. We entered his office.

"This office is so big!", I exclaimed. "Danggeuniji.", Namjoon said.
**Danggeuniji means 'you bet'**

"Okay. Let's all get seated.", Suga said. When we all got seated, Jin asked me a question.

"I've been talking with you for the whole time but I never asked for your name. What is it?", he asked.

"Min Hwa Young, but call me Hwa Young. I hope you understand that I have a high self esteem so please don't find me cocky.", I said.

"Oh, it's okay to be confident. I mean look at me, I'm very handsome that I say it to everyone since I know it.", Jin said.

I smiled, it was nice to know someone who had the same attitude as me. Suga coughed.

"Excuse me. I didn't mean to interrupt your little lovey dovey moment, but Namjoon and I still have work to do so we're gonna get going.", Suga said as he started to stand up. Namjoon stand up as well.

"Remember to fill up the papers before November.", Jin reminded. They nodded and left the room.

"Where's your resume?", Jin asked. "It's with me. Let me get it.", I said. I pulled out my folder and opened it. He looked at it for a few moments and nodded.

"You seem like a good worker. I think you were able to answer every question I was about to ask you.", he said. I laughed nervously.

"Don't be nervous. I'll go over it a few times again. I'll give you any updates through my secretary.", he told me. I nodded.

"I think I have to go now. My eomma might be home already.", I said. "Oh okay. I hope to see you again, Hwa Young.", he said sweetly. I waved my hand.

Before I left the room, I saw him blow me a kiss. I laughed silently as I went to the elevator.

As I was going down, a lady entered the elevator and gave me a mean glare.

"Do you work here?", she asked. "No. I will if I get accepted.", I answered.

"Well, you won't get accepted. And if you will be, you'll never be able to make him fall for you.", she said as the elevator doors opened and left. I left as well.

"What does she mean I can't make him fall for me? Who is she even talking about? Who even is she?", I asked myself as I went to my car. I drove going home.

Eomma left a note by the door. "I went out to buy some groceries. Please remember to lock the door before going to your room.", it said.

I opened the door and locked it after going in. I got to the couch and decided to watch a movie.

I wasn't able to pay attention to the movie because of my exhaustion so I ended up sleeping.

My Worldwide Handsome 🌍 | K. SJWhere stories live. Discover now