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I entered my house. I turned on some lights and brought the lunch box to the table.

I took out the containers and washed them. I left them on the rack to dry.

I decided to return them to Suga tomorrow since I was gonna see him at work.

I went to my room and got ready for bed. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I opened my iPhone and decided to text Hwa Young since I was bored.

Hwa Young
Why are you still awake?
No reason. I just got home. How about you?
I'm home too.
Is your eomma at home?
Yep. Why?
I just wanted to make sure you're safe. You can't always trust Suga, he can't be that reliable since he's always sleeping
ㅋㅋㅋThat's so true. Why'd you suddenly text me?
I'm just bored right now. I'm sorry. Were you sleeping?
Nope. I was just staring at the spider on my wall while thinking about life
Wow. That's deep
I know right. Aren't you tired?
Not really. Are you?
I slept in the car twice today so I'm quite awake unlike Suga, he's sleeping already
That's so lonely then. What do you usually do when he's sleeping and you're not tired?
I either try to fall asleep, make breakfast then put it in the fridge, or watch Kdrama
Oh, you like Kdrama?
Yup. Especially Hwarang and Scarlet Heart Ryeo
You're interesting
Thank you?
I'm sorry if I sound flirty to you. I just really want to get to know you. Do you wanna know about me?
Sure. What do you like doing when you're still awake in the night?
Many things. I think about what I've forgotten in the office, I fix my room, I sometimes have midnight snacks, or I do my work here at home.
Midnight snacks? Really? You seem really fit though. I mean you have broad shoulders
Yeah, 60 cm you know. I work out everyday. Do you work out?
Yes. Only on weekends though. I'm too lazy to work out on the weekdays
ㅋㅋㅋI didn't know you were lazy.
Everyone's lazy at some point
You seem like you're not tired
Well, I'm really not
You're lucky you don't have work yet
True. I don't want to work yet.  I still need my precious time
Aigoo...You're so cute
You don't wanna work in my company?☹️
I do now. I think it's gonna be interesting
Are you sure you're not sleeping yet?
Well, Suga entered my room and told me that he kept hearing this certain keyboard was making a lot of noise. I told him he was dreaming
Wow...you're so dead tomorrow
It's almost tomorrow. We've been talking for a long time
Okay. I guess you have to sleep now. Good night!
Good night Worldwide Handsome!

I smiled at her greeting to me. She called me Worldwide Handsome.

I put my phone on my bedside table and looked at my clock. It was already 11:37 PM.

"Wow...we've been talking for almost the whole night. She's so interesting but she can be kinda confusing.

One minute she's confident, later she's cute, and another she can be sexy. Suga CANNOT know about my thoughts on her.

She seems really kind and caring. I like her.

Wait a minute...is it okay to like a person you just met on your first day of meeting each other?

I mean, technically we've already kinda met. I mean I saw her fetch her brother a few times before we left for the business trip last month.

I just never said 'Annyeong' or anything. I never even tried to look at her. I only knew that she fetched her brother.

I wonder if she met anyone after she left my office. I guess I should ask her that the next time I get to text her.

I hope she didn't meet Solbin. Things will get more complicated if she finds out that Solbin doesn't want her in the company.

If she met Solbin, she was probably asked if she worked there and probably threatened her not to.

Honestly, Solbin is kinda annoying. She's not my girlfriend but she wants to be. All she wants is my money.

As if I would fall for her, but actually she's not that bad. It's just that her intentions stops her from me wanting to be with her.

Why do I have to like 2 people at once?", I asked myself before falling into a deep sleep.

Hwa Young POV
I put my phone on the bedside table. I smiled at his cuteness. He wasn't too flirty which was good or I would have thought that he was into me.

I mean, you can't like a person you've just met unless you're just meant to be.

I don't think he would be fond of me though. I have a certain attitude that guys are scared of.

My confidence. I don't even understand why. What's wrong about being confident?

Okay, I'm getting too far from what I was thinking. He's not wrong when he calls himself  Worldwide Handsome since he is really handsome.

More handsome than Suga. Don't tell him that.

Anyway, if I were to choose who had more swag, it would be my brother of course. He's been with me for my whole life.

Jin is just...I don't know how to describe him. He's just really unique. Many boys aren't like him.

I like him as a friend. He seems really fun to be with. I don't think I would ever get bored if I were with him.

He seems really interested about my life.

He'll keep asking me questions about what I do which is fun since we would get to know each other well.

I smiled at the thought of all this. I fell asleep afterwards.

My Worldwide Handsome 🌍 | K. SJWhere stories live. Discover now