25: Shattered his heart

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R.I.P Simone Battle :(


“Any luck?” Calum questions the newly coloured red head, Michael. “Nope.” He replies, popping the ‘p’. Calum sighs in sadness, while Michael sighs in frustration. They’d been trying to call Ashton and Luke all night, hoping at least one would pick up, but unfortunately for the two boys, they did not answer their phones.

“What do you think they’d be doing?” Calum asks. He didn’t have an answer himself, so asking Michael would help, but not the way Calum planned on. “Probably fucking for all I know,” Michael responds, not realising for a sold second, that Luke and Calum were dating. “Oh shit, sorry Calum,” Michael rubs his head in his hands, groaning. “I forgot you two were dating –– I’m so annoyed right now, I might even forget my own name!”

Calum nods his head, understanding why Michael had forgotten they were in a relationship. Even Calum probably would’ve forgotten since they’re so both in the moment, wanting their friends to pick up the phone.

“What if we’re both wrong, and they’re in trouble?” Calum points out. As soon as that sentence fell out of his mouth, he tensed up and started panicking. What if they were kidnapped; killed; lost? All these thoughts flew around calums mind, until Michael snapped him out of it. Calum hadn’t realised tears were streaming down his face. What if he was wrong, and they were fucking?


Luke gently placed Ashton down on his double bed, pulling off his shoes, then jeans. He knows how uncomfortable it is to sleep in skinny jeans so he had no choice but to take them off – he didn’t want his best friend to wake up grumpy, and uncomfortable. He cares about his friend so he wants him to be comfortable when he sleeps.

He left Ashton’s shirt, boxers and bandana on, since it would be weird taking off his best friends boxers leaving him without any pants; it would be extremely difficult to pull off his shirt without waking the sleeping boy; and it would be annoying having to undo the sweaty bandana.

Luke then sat on the end of Ashton’s bed, watching the boy sleep. He wanted to sleep too, on a proper bed. Perhaps sharing one with Ashton wouldn’t be so bad, because they are best friends after all. So Luke quickly slipped off his shoes, skinny jeans then pulled off his shirt, climbing into Ashton’s bed next to him.

Soon, Luke felt himself daze off to sleep, until he felt an arm wrap around his waist and lips on his neck. Luke wanted to move Ashton, since he felt tense, feeling another person cuddle into him like couples would do – what if Calum walked in on them and thought he was cheating? This did float around in Luke’s head for about a minute, until he was too tired to think. Plus, this position was surprisingly comfy, so he pretended Calum was snuggling into him, not Ashton. Due to that thought, Luke fell asleep as fast as a light turning off.


“Morning. Do you think Luke or Ashton returned any of our calls, or texts?” Michael greets calum, as he walks into the kitchen. “I don’t know – I hope so. I’m actually worried. I know I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help the feeling to.” Calum replies. Michael let Calum sleep over at his house for the night, hoping one of the boys sent them a text back, or called, but unfortunately, they did not.

Michael thought it would be a good idea if they went over to Luke’s house. Maybe they were there? If they weren’t, they’d go to Ashton’s. If they weren’t there either, then they’d probably call relatives. Perhaps they went over there? Maybe they aren’t even together? Michael and Calum didn’t know this, so finding out would be good.

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