18: What Luke thought

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Finally, Luke didn't feel as sick as he was originally feeling earlier on in the day, so he decided to go give Calum a visit. He was expecting Calum to ask him if he remembered anything from the other night. Luke didn't want to lie, so he knew he'd be telling Calum about what happened.

So Luke found himself some new, clean clothes to go to Calum's house. He sent Calum a quick text saying that he's coming so Calum would expect Luke turning up.

Once like arrived at Calum's house, he made himself at home.

"So um. Why are you here?" Calum asks. "I came to tell you what happened last night, since you dont remember anything do you?" Luke says, hoping maybe he was wrong, and Calum knew exactly what happened, so Luke could save his voice and time.

"No, unfortunately i dont remember anything. Please enlighten me; i want to know everything." Calum says. Luke nods, sitting down on a chair and making himself comfortable.

"Well, what do you remember?" Luke questions. He doesnt want to retell the story if Calum already knew what happened at that part of the night.

"I remember everything until we had our first drink." replied Calum. Luke nodded, biting his lip. Luke had to tell Calum everything after they got drunk. He wasnt sure how Calum would react when he would tell him that they kissed.

"Okay...So, we got pretty wasted, i think..." Luke starts. "Then i dont really know what um happened before um yeah."

"Okay, so youre saying that you know we got wasted, but dont remembr anything after that?" Calum asks. What was the point of coming over, if thats all he remembered?

"No, i only remember the two main things," Luke said. "We um...We somehow got pretty close...And um...Kissed..." Luke trailed off. He didnt look calum in the eye. He didnt want to see his reaction.

"But after that, these two boys - i dont know their names, but i remember they talked to us once in the hallway at school, and one of them punched me in the nose."

"Oh shit, are you alright?" Calum asks, a little bit worried that Luke had got punched last night.

"Yes, im fine. I punched them back in the stomach anyway," Luke smiled. "And after that...I think we went home and went to sleep, i'm not sure."

"Okay...So just to be sure of what you actually said, we kissed?" Calum asks. He wanted to know if this was true, and he wasnt hearing things.

"Yes." Luke replied, simpley.

"Did i kiss you?" Calum asked. He hoped he didnt kiss Luke; he wasnt sure what Luke would think of him. Maybe he'd stop being friends? Thats the last thing Calum wants: For luke to stop being friends and hanging out with him.

"Um...Well, uh..." Luke pursed his lips. "I um...I kinda kissed you..."

Calum's eyes widened. His crush for so long, had kissed him. Inside, Calum was doing his little happy dance. But on the outside, he contained himself; he didnt want to look silly in front of Luke, and just because Luke kissed him, doesnt mean he actually likes, or liked it.

"Oh." Was all Calum could say. Both of the two boys stayed quiet for a few minutes, before Calum finally had the guts to ask Luke if he enjoyed the kiss, and if he likes him. But Calum knew they were both drunk, so Luke could or could not remember if he liked it or not.

"Um. Did you enjoy the um...kiss?" Calum asked. He prayed Luke enjoyed it, and maybe he could ask Luke to be his boyfriend.

"Um," Luke didn't want to admit it; he did enjoy the kiss. It wasn't like any other kiss his shared with any girl, and he hasn't kissed a boy before Calum. "Yeah, I uh, I did."

Calum smiled. He just stared and smiled at Luke. He couldn't move, nor speak. He was just so happy. Luke Hemmings - his once bully, and still crush, enjoyed the kiss they shared.

Luke stared to feel a little bit uncomfortable by the way Calum stared at him.

"I um. Might go now." Luke said, standing up and heading towards the door.

"Okay. Bye." Calum waved, watching as Luke left his house, and walked down his path way, and down the street. He loved the way Luke walked: like no worry in the world.


When Luke finally arrived at his home, Ben greeted him, by yelling his name, pretty loudly.

"Did you talk to Calum?" He asked Luke, who was pushing past him to go upstairs to his room. In response to Ben, Luke just nodded.

"How'd it go!?" Ben questioned, following his younger brother into his room. "Fine." Replied Luke.

"Did you guys kiss? Again?"

Luke spun around, and glared at his brother. "What!?" Ben laughed. He just wants Luke to be happy. Happy with Calum.

"No. We did not kiss okay? I just told him what the fuck happened that night, then left. Do you want to know anything else?"

"Wow Luke! What's crawled up your ass? A fucking whale?" Ben laughed at Luke's anger. Luke just shook his head, and slammed the door shut behind him.

Luke figured he really must like calum. He gets all these weird feelings when he's near or when he touches him. He feels warm when their hands connect, and when he moves his hand, he suddenly feels cold.

Only when you love someone, you feel that way, right? That's what Luke thought.


I'm sorry to say - if you like this story, that it will end soon. This will only be short. I kinda wanted to make this one a small kind of story, fall for you a medium sized kind of story, and Basorexia a long one. So if you like reading long ones - and drama packed stories, then I recommend that one. So at the end of this book, I have some important Things to ask you, but you don't need to worry about that right now!;-)

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