17: Kiss

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That next morning, Calum woke up in familiar bed, with a throbbing headache. What had he done the other night that made his head hurt this much? He didn't remember anything, from getting bribed into going to a club with Luke. He hoped Luke has remembered at least something, and he hoped nothing bad had happened whilst they were there. He hasn't been in trouble before; he was more of the organised and good student type of person, and he personally didn't want to change that about him.

However, Luke did remember only little of what happened that night. He remembered the fight he got into with those two trouble makers; Jamie and Kyle, and he remembered the kiss. He wished he didn't, because he had this bad feeling Calum wouldn't remember, he he'd have to re-tell what happened yesterday. He really wasn't up for that.

Calum noticed he wasn't in his room-This wasn't even his house! He slowly got out of - someone's, bed and made his way down the stairs. He needed to be careful of his headache - he didn't need to to hurt anymore then it did.

When Calum reached downstairs, he saw blankets and a pillow on the couch - clearly stating someone had slept there.

Then he saw the figure that lay there silently: Luke. Calum tiptoed over to Luke, so he was Standing directly in front of him. He saw how Luke looked like a mess - his hair sticking out in different directions, bags under his eyes, his pale face; Calum knew he didn't look any different.

He wasn't sure if he should wake Luke or to leave him sleeping. Judging at the bags under his eyes, looked as if he didn't get much sleep. So with that, Calum picked up the closest pen, and grabbed a scrapped piece of paper, and wrote a little note, leaving it for Luke to read when he woke up. Calum didn't want Luke to worry for him; although Calum thought it wasn't likely for Luke to remember he was even there.

Calum slipped his shoes on-that was nicely placed at the door, and left Luke's house, on his way to his own.

When he got there, he undressed from his clothing that reeked from alcohol, and had a quick shower.

To say Calum was surprised that he actually got drunk, wasn't a lie. It was his first time getting drunk, and he knew he'd be throwing up.

And that's what happened.

Calum felt a lump in his throat, as it started to feel dry. Then suddenly, he started to chuck in the shower. Calum's legs started feeling wobbly, so he dropped to his knees, continuing to throw up.

The drain in the shower was awfully small, so the vomit slowly disappeared down the drain.

Finally, Calum stopped vomiting and rinsed himself once more, making sure the vomit smell was washed off completely.

Once he was satisfied, he turned the nobs 'off' and stepped out of the shower, grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waste.

He left the bathroom, into his room, and took some clean clothes out of his drawer and dressed in them.


Finally, around 2pm, Luke had woken up, with none other, then a throbbing headache also.

He sat up, clutching onto his head with his right hand, the other looking for a pain killer. But instead of finding one, he felt the piece of paper in his hands. He pulled it over to him, and read the small curved writing, known as Calum's handwriting.

'Hey Luke, woke up to see you still sleeping. It looked like you didn't get much sleep, so I just left. Hope you're ok with that!:-)

Cal x'

Calum was correct. Luke didn't get much sleep at all. He kept tossing and turning all night. He just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss they'd shared.

Luke slowly got up from the couch, and looked for some pills to help his headache.

When Luke got to the kitchen, he saw Ben getting a drink of water, and greeted him tiredly. His voice was raspy and deep.

"Hello brother. You went out. Did you have a good time?" Ben asked his tired brother.

"I-I don't know. All I remember is..." Luke stopped. He wasn't sure if he should tell his brother about the kiss he shared with Calum. He didn't want him to tease him about it.

Ben nodded, waiting for Luke to go on, which he still hadn't done.

"You alright? If you chuck, please in the sink - not on me. If you vomit on me, you're dead." Ben warned. Luke nodded.

"I'm pretty sure Calum and I got pretty drunk last night..." He said. "Calum? You went to a party with Calum?" Ben questioned. Luke nodded again, but slowly. His headache was still hurting terribly.

"Yeah. I remember getting into a fight with these two boys, but nothing to bad happened. His threw a few punches, that's it. Nothing broken." Luke explained.

Ben looked shocked. His little brother got in a fight with two boys, and managed to get home with no bones broken. Ben was impressed.

"Well done little brother." Ben ruffled Luke's - already messy hair. Luke gave him a small smile, then continued.

"And we kinda kissed..." Luke bit his lip, waiting for a response from Ben. Ben was more shocked than before. His eyes were about to fall out of his head!

"Did you come onto him, or the other way around?" Ben asked. "I'm pretty sure I came onto him.." Luke said. A smile from ear-to-ear appeared on bens face.

"MY LUKE IS ALL GROWN UP IM SO PROUD!" Ben shouts, hugging Luke, who finches at the volume level, and tries to push his older brother off him.

"Whatever," Luke mumbles. "But what will Calum think? I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember shit."

"Calum likes you. I'm almost 100% sure he does. You can see it." Ben says, trying to reassure Luke. Luke shrugs, feeling the vomit roll up his throat. Luke rushes into the bathroom, and throws up in the toilet bowl.

The hatred Luke felt towards throwing up and vomit was pretty big. Although he still goes back every once in a while and does the same thing over again, and regrets it the next day, when his in that exact position.

Ben soon comes in the bathroom, and joins Luke on the ground, rubbing circles in his back, and Luke continues to vomit in the toilet bowl.

This will be a long day for both, Luke and Calum.


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