12: Babe

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And I did notice some other people that ship them the same was as I do, so THANK GOD FOR THAT!!




Finally Calum had persuaded Luke to go home, since he has had a few beers, and was quite drunk. Though unlike Calum, who only had one sip of a beer, and hardly felt anything. He had Luke grab onto his arm the whole walk home, since he couldn't walk properly. Luke stumbled a few times, and tripping over the pavement, but he'd just laugh it off.

"I like you! Your funny." Luke giggles, as he poked Calum on the cheek. Calum was confused. What way did Luke mean like? He couldn't possibly mean it anymore than just friends right? Luke wasn't gay - although Calum's biggest wish was for Luke to be gay and to love him also.

"I'm not funny! How have I been funny today? I haven't. You've been the funny one, stumbling and tripping over parts of the pavement - not to forget those little giggles." Calum pointed out. Luke stared at Calum blankly, then shrugged it off, and continued to stumble down the street, until they finally reached Luke's house.

"Bye babe." Luke waves at Calum, then walks inside and literally passes out on the couch. Calum furrows his eyebrows, but also blushes at what luke called him. 'Babe'.

Calum continued to walk down the street, more than tired. He personally wished he never came out earlier that day to the club. He didn't want it to end up with him walking home at midnight by himself - not that he was scared or anything, but that he hates being alone.


The next day, Luke didn't arrive at school, which Calum instantly knew why. He didn't blame him though. He bets having a hangover sucks, since he had many friends drink and get terrible hangovers due to them drinking far too many beers. He never has been drunk, and never has had a hangover, so he doesn't exactly know what Luke would be feeling, but he knows it'll be painful, and he'd have a bad headache.

"Hey fag." Michael snickers, speeding past Calum, and making his way over to Ashton. Calum was pretty thrown back after what Michael had commented about him. What the fuck had gotten into his pants this morning? His probably just grumpy from something, or maybe someone or something was bothering him.

Although Calum thought that, he heard people snicker a few bad words about him, and say 'fag' or something similar. Calum was far from confused. Why are these people commenting that kind of stuff about him? How did they know? His only told Ashton about his sexuality. Surely Ashton hadn't told them. He promised.

Calum walked up to Ashton. When he finally turned and saw Calum, his face suddenly fell. He looked down at his feet, and bit his lip. Calum furrowed his eyebrows, but thought nothing of it.

"What's up?" Calum asked, waiting for Ashton to reply to him, but never did. He just kept staring at his feet, and chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Ashton?" Calum raised his voice slightly louder, just in case Ashton didn't hear him before.

In response, Ashton looked up at him with tear brimmed eyes. He sniffed, then finally spoke up. "Calum I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me," he grabs Calum's shoulder and shakes it. Calum looked at him in the eyes and tilted his head to the side. Ashton took a deep breath, then continued. "Please, please don't hate me, it just slipped out. I promise I didn't mean to say it on purpose," he removed his hands from Calum's shoulders. "I accidentally told some people that you were-" Ashton gets cut off, by these two tall and slim boys standing right next to him. Boy they were tall. Ashton was basically their shadow.

Calum thought for a moment. What did Ashton possibly say to these boys he was talking about, that involved him? Clearly whatever Ashton said to these boys, spread throughout the whole school.

These two boys hovered over Ashton, as well as Calum, then spoke. One of the guys voice boomed and bounced off the lockers and halls.

"Is this the guy?" A boy with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes spoke. He was wearing a ripped plain black shirt, and navy coloured skinny jeans. Ashton gave Calum a sorry look, then slowly nodded. You could easily see the guilt and regret showing in his eyes.

"He doesn't show it, nor dress the way those kind of people normally do. I guess that's a good thing then if his trying to hide it." the other boy said, that had blonde hair and brown eyes. He was wearing something similar to the boy that just spoke, but with fawn coloured skinny jeans and big nerdy glasses, but it made him look hot.

"Jamie, don't get too close. He might try to rape you." the boy with brown hair warned his friend named 'Jamie'. Calum felt hurt by what the boy had just said. He might rape you. What does that supposed to mean?

"Oh, but what you don't see Kyle, is that I'm too tough, tall and strong for this wimp to even touch me. If he did end up prancing on me, all I have to do is take one long punch, and he'd be knocked out on the floor right there!" Jamie got even closer to Calum.

"W-what do you mean by prance and rape you?" Calum finally had the urge to speak, and ask the question that bothered him.

The two friends chuckled, while Ashton just stood there not saying a word. Calum bit his lip, then stepped backwards. He was about to turn around and just walk away from those boys, but one of them had caught onto his arm, and pulled him back. The grip was so tight on Calum's arm, he was unable to squirm out of his grip.

"Where do you think your going, fag?" Jamie questions, pulling Calum back towards him and looks up and down his body - nothing like checking him out, way far from that.

"Don't call me a fag! I'm not a faggot okay!" Calum shouts, feeling the anger boil up inside him. Who do they think they are, calling him a fag? They have absolutely no right too, so Calum has no idea why they are.

"Yes you are. Our friend over here," Jamie said, pointing towards Ashton. "Said that you specifically told him." Calum looked over at Ashton, his eyes growing as wide as beach balls. Ashton betrayed him?

"W-what?" Calum stammered, not knowing how to react to that at all. He was sad - yet angry that Ashton had told them about him being gay, when he promised.

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, almost on the urge of tears. "I don't know what your talking about. Clearly he was lying. Trying to spread a rumour or some shit. I am not gay." Calum tries to convince them, but it was not working. "And he said that you fancy Luke ayy?" Kyle pipes in.

Calum finally managed to squirm out of Jamie's grip, and run away quickly. Instead of being a good student, and going to his first class, he immediately ran home, quietly sobbing to himself. Why had Ashton told them? Why did he tell them he like Luke? Why did Ashton betray him? Ashton knew about the promise they made, but decided to break it. He said he wasn't homophobic - yet he manages to make friends that are, and tell them. How unfair is that! No one would like to be in Calum's position right now. He knew what was coming. More bullying - although is time from two homophobic douche bags. He hopes Luke comes to school tomorrow, so that he can have some protection from those two horrid boys.

However, there's one thing Calum is also afraid of. When he tells - or hears the rumour about Calum being gay - which is entirely true, how would he react? Would he also be one of those homophobic pricks? That's the last thing Calum wants, is for Luke to go against him. That wouldn't be good.


As you've just read young children, the rumour has SPREAD!!

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