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Chapter dedicated to @Milqypeach

"Ryder." Ryder hears his name being called but ignores it. He knows the voice, and continues walking. Not wanting Liam to catch up. "Ryder!" The boy calls, but Liam only walks faster. he's been ignoring Liam all day. In class, at lunch he went out just so he didn't have to talk to him, and now it's right after school. the bell just rang. Liam wants to talk to him. But Ryder cant. He's trying to get over the blond haired boy. And he can't do that if he keeps talking to him. He loves him. And getting over him is a goal he'll never accomplish if he keeps talking to him.

He makes it out of the school before Liam can catch up, and jogs down the road, towards his house, where he plans on staying for the rest of the night.

Ryder pulls his sister into his room and they create a cocoon of blankets on the floor, having dragged her pillows and comforter into the room as well. Ryder decided Brook and him would have a movie night. Making lots of popcorn and grabbing lots of candy and cookie packets before settling down into their blankets and having an iron man marathon.

Of course, after watching iron man they had to watch the amazing spider-man movies. Obviously. Because Andrew Garfield is hot and adorable and he's the best spider-man. (Sorry Tom). Ryder suppressed his thoughts and focused his attention on the adorable Andrew Garfield, eating his feelings and laughing with his sister.

Ryder's phone rings. It's Scott. And urgent.

Scooty: get to the tunnels. We're saving Mason.

Ryry: Be right there.

Ryder tells his sister it's urgent and that he can't wait. That he's gotta go. She seems to understand enough and he's out the door. Running all the way to the tunnels, running down whichever path he sees first. He bumps into Scott, Deucalion, and Theo. Ryder moves to stand beside Scott, who watches as Deucalion's eyes go from gross and empty, to normal colored eyes. Theo is visibly confused. And realizes that Deucalion was working with Scott the whole time. "you would have been able to take the beasts power if you used the talons." He tells Theo. Who's eyes go wide. Deucalion steps forward, reaching out his arms quickly, and breaking Theo's neck. Not to kill him, but to, um, break his neck.

"Ah, you broke my neck" Theo complains, reaching out to touch his throat."Good luck with that" Deucalion says, and continues to talk to Scott. Of course, Ryder tunes them both out, and watches Theo whine.

They watch Gerard as he takes a shot at the beast, the shot having no effect on the giant creature. "How long have you been planning this double cross?" Gerard asks about Deucalion and Scott, and Chris decides to answer that question. "About as long as we've been planning to double cross you" He explains. He tosses the pike to Scott, and explains that he knew bringing Gerard back would more about immortalizing him than saving people's lives. Chris tells Scott to go, and Gerard and Chris level guns with each other, as Scott Liam and Ryder turn to leave.

Liam's been glancing at Ryder the whole time since they've met up, and Ryder wants to scream. But he keeps his mouth shut and follows Scott, as does Liam.

"I should be the one to use the pike on the beast. Mason is my best friend" Liam tells Scott, who shakes his head. "Liam, we're not killing your best friend" Scott replies, giving Liam an honest look. Ryder gives Liam a reassuring smile,before looking away again.

"The cane belongs to me" Sebastien tells Scott. "It's a family heirloom. May I please have it back?" He asks politely, Scott makes a proposition. "We'll give it back if you give Mason back." He tells the beast. Who seems almost amused. "Mason is gone." He explains.

The cane hits the ground as the beast attacks Scott and Liam, knocking them to the ground as Ryder just moves out of the way. Jumping onto the beasts back and clawing at it. He doesn't get too far before being flung aside. The beast slams his fists to the ground, sending Scott, Ryder and Liam into the tunnel walls.

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