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Ryder's eyes open slowly, and he takes a moment to take in his surroundings. To take in the body pressed up against his own. That's right, Ryder was on his side, an arm thrown over Liam carelessly, while Liam is facing Ryder, still totally asleep, curled up with his face in Ryder's chest. Ryder, almost wants to laugh, almost wants to play with the boys hair, and kiss his lips. Yet he doesn't. He just lays there, and watches his chest rise and fall with his slow, even, breaths.  He listens to his soft adorable snores, that just come out as small huffs of breath.  Ryder, feels okay in this situation. It just reminds him of how no matter what. There's still some good in the world. There will always be good in the world. Right now, the good in Ryder's world. Is Liam. Even though Liam doesn't feel nearly the same way.

Ryder hasn't moved an inch since he woke up. His arm is kind of sore, but he doesn't want to wake the sleeping boy. So when he watches Liam's eyelids flutter open and he makes a small sleepy noise, Ryder is almost ecstatic to be able to move his arm finally. He doesn't though. He waits for Liam to notice. "Why are you watching me sleep?" Is the first thing out of Liam's mouth after a moment of staring back at Ryder. Ryder smiles softly. "I didn't want to wake you by moving. Yet there was nothing else to do." He shrugs, and Liam just huffs, flopping his head back down onto his pillow."You still tired?" Ryder asks teasingly, a small playful smile on his lips. Liam nods. "Then go back to sleep. I don't care." Liam frowns, looking almost like a child. He simply says, "I don't want to." Ryder rolls his eyes, but doesn't anything else about the matter. Instead, changes the subject. "I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast." Liam groans and buries his face into Ryder's chest. Who feigns nonchalance, but his heart skips several beats. He hopes Liam doesn't notice. He doesn't.  Ryder chuckles lightly, but doesn't make a move to stop the blond boy. In fact, he encourages it mentally. He just rubs Liam's back gently. "Sorry for suggesting such a horrific idea." Ryder apologizes sarcastically, and Liam pulls back from his hiding place. "Fine. Let's get breakfast then." Ryder grins triumphantly at Liam's words, and removes his hand from the blonds back, moving to sit up. Liam stops him. Pulling Ryder back down. "I wasn't serious." He states, and throws his arm over Ryder's side, just like Ryder had done. Ryder sighs audibly, but shifts so that he's more comfortable. Accepting the fact that this really isn't so bad. "Not gay, huh?"Ryder mumbles, mixing his words up and grumbling so bad, even with werewolf hearing it's hard to decipher what he's saying. "What?" Liam asks, confused. Ryder shrugs. "Nothing." 

By the time Ryder wakes up a second time, they've missed second period. Although that's the least of Ryder's concerns. What he's concerned about is the boy sprawled halfway across his stomach, his head resting on Ryder's chest. Once again, Ryder's thoughts drift to his earlier words. 'not gay, huh?' Of course, Ryder doesn't voice his thoughts. He's not stupid enough to let the werewolf boy hear him, or try to wake him. So he once again, just stays where he is. Waiting for Liam to wake up. Ryder listens to Liam's adorable snoring. Their just little huffs air, not even proper snores. Yet Ryder loves the breath, ghosting across the top of his chest, where his skin exposed due to the collar of the t-shirt. He listens to Liam's heartbeat. Mesmerized almost, by the thumping sound that he hears like it's beating in his ears. 

Liam wakes up, not long after. Stretching out, and opening his eyes. "I'm hungry." He says, only a moment after. Ryder smiles warmly. "Me too." Still, Liam doesn't move. "I'm comfortable." He whines, sounding like a child. Ryder sighs. "Well I'm actually getting up this time." He states matter of factly and, pushes Liam off him, who groans, and then rolls onto the floor. "Fuck.." Ryder laughs at Liam's pained cuss, and gets out of bed. "You deserved that." He tells him, not looking back as he walks out of Liam's room, making his way downstairs. "Ass." Is all he hears as he walks down the flight of stairs. Ryder chuckles. 

Liam walks into the kitchen as Ryder finishes pouring himself a bowl of cereal. He pouts. "That's my special cereal." He complains, causing Ryder to quirk an eyebrow. "Sharing is caring, Liam." He tells the boy, grabbing himself a spoon from one of the drawers. "Well I don't care." Liam says stubbornly, crossing his arms like a kid about to throw a tantrum. Ryder ignores him. "Mm, good cereal, Liam." He taunts jokingly, Liam's frown grows, but he uncrosses his arms and sits down at the breakfast bar, beside Ryder. "I'm glad you like it." He grumbles. "I thought you didn't care?" Ryder questions, continuing to eat his cereal. Liam ignores him, and extracts a singular cereal from Ryder's bowl, eating it and giving Ryder a huge grin. Ryder shakes his head in disapproval, but opts for silence. Letting Liam continue to pick from his bowl. 

"We've missed the first half of school." Ryder informs Liam, who shrugs, continuing to button mash against Ryder, who's strategically, blocking the random hits. "I just wasn't sure if that matters to you or not."Ryder clarified, giving up his strategy, and button mashing in return. "Does it matter to you?" Liam asks, not taking his eyes of the screen as he continues to hurl attacks at his opponent. Ryder laughs. "I skip school all the time, and this is gonna bother me?" Ryder states it like a question, and Liam smiles. "I wasn't sure." He shrugs. "Well babe, I appreciate the concern." Liam blushes at the nickname, but Ryder doesn't notice. Too busy, wInNiNg. He throws his hands up at the triumph and jump to his feet. "YES!" He shouts, a victorious grin taking over his look of pure concentration. "FUCK!" Liam shouts, but laughs anyway while Ryder jumps up and down. "I've never even played this before." Ryder says, and Liam's mouth falls open. "Excuse me?" He questions, sounding appalled. Ryder nods, a shit-eating grin plastered onto his face. Liam crosses his arms. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Ryder shakes his head. Still grinning like a loser. "I've practiced this game for two years." Liam claims, and Ryder bursts out laughing. "Sorry babe, maybe if you practice for another two." Liam ignores him, and takes a swig of his drink. Restarting the game. "We're playing till I beat you." Liam states, and waits till Ryder sits down to actually start it. "You mean we'll be playing forever?" Ryder asks, and Liam growls. 

"I'm going to kill you, Canova." Liam grounds out between gritted teeth. causing Ryder's smile to grow. "You can try, Dunbar." 

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