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The second day of school. Oh god. Ryder thinks he's even less ready than yesterday. Yet, he get's out of bed anyways. He get's dressed and makes his way downstairs, mumbling a good morning to his father as he passes. He grabs an apple from the fridge and takes a seat across from his dad. "You excited for your second day?" Mark Canova asks his son, giving him a thumbs up and a smile. Ryder scowls. "I'm less excited than yesterday. The part that concerns me though, is that I didn't think that was possible." Mark laughs, and shakes his head at his son. "Sucks kid, you gotta go." Ryder raises an eyebrow. "Do I though?" Mark nods, shutting his sons idea down immediately. "Yes, you do. Let's go, eat in the car." Ryder groans but stands up from his seat nonetheless. "Whatever. I'm probably just gonna get into another fight." He mumbles, following his father out the door. "What?" His dad says, turning to face him. "You got in a fight yesterday?" Ryder shrugged, smiling at the memory of being able to get that kid so angry so fast. "Yeah. It was nothing. I won." Mark throws his hands up in exasperation and continues walking towards the car. "I can't believe you." 

When Ryder walks into English, he's greeted by Mason waving him towards where him and Liam are sitting. as soon as Liam sees him he gets this expression. That one that says 'I want to kill myself with a fucking broken ruler'. That makes Ryder Smirk and sit down behind Liam. He can practically see the steam coming out of that kids ears.

Fifteen minutes into class and Ryder's been kicking the bottom of Liam's chair for almost three minutes. Liam already broke two pencils and is probably gonna break a third in a moment. Eventually Ryder's foot get's tired though and he doesn't feel like using the other one. So he stops.  He can tell had been trying really hard to ignore it but was definitely having issues. Ryder leans forward in his seat so that his mouth is level with the boy in front of him's ear. "Liam?" Ryder says his name like a question, drawing out the m. He watched Liam shiver from his breath ghosting over his neck. Liam ignores him. So he does it again. "Liam..." Liam's third pencil breaks and he swivels around to face Ryder, making him jump back, a smirk still plastered onto his face. "What?" Liam growls, and Ryder just raises his hand and boops him on the nose. Liam is startled for a split second before turning around again and whispering something to Mason, who laughs so loud the teacher warns him to stop, fixing him with a stern look before continuing her teaching.

"Ryder, that's hilarious." Mason says after class. Liam groans and walks faster to his next class.  Ryder laughs along with Mason. "I wasn't even planning on doing anything, but he turned around and I thought...That would piss him off." Mason laughs harder, finding the entire scenario hilarious apparently. 

After school was Lacrosse tryouts, and Mason was so excited that Ryder and Liam were trying out. Honestly, Ryder wan't planning on it at first, but Mason had explained that it was the main sport at BHHS and Ryder remembers playing with his uncle a few years ago and he loved it. So he thought, what the fuck? And showed up for try outs. So far, Liam is like a machine. It's like he doesn't get tired and can literally do everything. Ryder was nervous, he hadn't played in years, but he was really good way back when. 

When it was time to start shooting, not many people could get past Scott and Stiles, the junior defense for the moment. He was going right before Liam and was so close to getting the past the two, but last minute Scott pushed him over, making him land hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him. "You okay?" Garrett asks, running to his side, Ryder sat up. "Whoa. That hurt." and let Garrett help him up, leaving the boy's question unanswered. 

Next was Liam, who did in fact get past Scott and Stiles. "Come on, that was luck!" a girl shouted, standing up from the bleachers. "Redo!" She suggested loudly, as if it were wrong that Liam got past Scott and Stiles. "Sweetheart there are no redo's-" "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles" she offered, crossing her arms. "I'll take that action" Coach says, pointing at her. The girl smiles, clearly proud of herself, and sits back down.

In the end, the girl was right, Liam could not get past the juniors a second time. Ryder could almost hear a bone crack from where he was standing. He ran over to Liam, kneeling beside him. "Your an idiot" Ryder tells him, helping Scott pull him off the ground and get him to the school. 

He's not sure why he came with Liam to the hospital, probably cause it sucks to be alone at the hospital. "Why did you come?" Liam asks him, an eyebrow raised in perfect question. Ryder shrugged. "I don't know" He tells the boy asking the question, and continues playing games on his phone. Liam nods, and then his step comes in. "It's broken isn't it?" Liam whines, the pout clear in his voice. Ryder doesn't look up from his phone. "Well it's definitely gonna need an x-ray." dr. Geyer tells him, examining his leg further. "What happened. Liam looks at Ryder for help but the boy only shrugs and goes back to his phone. "I went up against two juniors, one of them was captain of the team." Dr. Geyer sighs and looks Liam in the eye. "What do we always say? Play smart, not hard." Liam nods. "Are you mad at me?" Liam asks his eyes glassy with un-shed tears. "No I'm not mad at you. But your mom's gonna be mad at me for getting you into lacrosse." He says, and goes to check on other patients. Liam and Ryder sit in silence for a little while. And not a comfortable one. "Are you gonna leave?" Liam asks, looking up at Ryder, who fixes him with a confused look. "What?" Liam rolls his eyes, shifting a little so he can look at Ryder easier. "Are you going to leave?" Now it's Ryder's turn to roll his eyes. "I heard what you said, but what do you mean by that? Am I going to leave now?" Liam runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, don't you have to be home?" Ryder shakes his head no. "I texted my dad and told him I'd be home later, I'm at the hospital with my new 'friend'." Liam nods and sits back against his pillows.

Suddenly there's a scream and Ryder shoots out of his chair. Liam stands too. "Liam, your hurt, Sit the fuck down." Liam shrugs and walks towards the doorway, Ryder walks in front of him, so that if anything happens, the injured one isn't being sacrificed, pretty much. They walk inot the hallway and someone is standing over someone else's body. except, their eating their organs. "Cool." Ryder whispers, but the thing stands and starts walking towards them. "Not cool anymore!" Ryder shouts when the thing breaks into a run towards them. "Holy shit, stop" Ryder tells the thing, "Seriously, what are you doing?" The thing stops in front of Liam and Ryder. Liam is backing away. Wimp. "I need food. I'm so hungry." Ryder makes a disgusted face. "That's gross" Liam gags, stepping back again. "Okay, Liam? You have no right to judge his eating choices. You like pineapple on pizza. That's practically a crime." Ryder accuses, buying Liam time to move back, but also just to rile him up. And yeah, Liam had pineapple on his pizza at lunch today. Ryder teased him about it.  No surprise there. The cannibal lunged and Ryder tackled Liam out of the way, quickly standing, trying to pull Liam up after him. "Let's go!" He shouts. The thing body checks Ryder into the wall, grabbing Liam and running down the hall. Ryder jumps up, running after them. "Fuck." he says, sprinting up the stairs, to the roof. By the time he get's there, the cannibal is holding Liam near the edge of the roof. "Stay back." It, tells him. Ryder rolls his eyes. "Sucks that I don't listen to anyone. It's one of my many great qualities." Ryder says, confident, flashing a charming smile. He takes a step forward despite what the thing told him. He's a rebel for a reason. 

Suddenly the door to the roof swings open and Scott runs through, but with red glowing eyes and sharp canines. Possibly more facial hair. Definitely more facial hair. "Don't come any closer" The razor teethed cannibal warns, tightening his grip on Liam. "Whatever you are we can help you." The thing hisses. "Wendigo's don't need help, we need food!" Welp, okay then. Scott jumps for the  Wendigo but he moves, knocking Liam off the roof. "Fuck!" Ryder shouts, running to the side of the building. "Thank fuck." He sighs when he sees that Liam hasn't fallen. He tries pulling him up but is knocked aside by the Wendigo. He cries out in pain as his shoulder collides with the ground, leaving a definite bruise.

He hears Liam pained shout just as he sits up and looks towards the sound. Scott has his teeth in Liam's arm. Beautiful sight. (Note the Sarcasm). He rushes to help Scott pull him up, setting him on the side of the roof. "Alright." Ryder says when Liam isn't in life threatening danger. "I'm going home." And he walks away before Scott can say anything.

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