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Ryder's been checked out all day, and in a rather foul mood, but he hasn't really talked to anyone today to express it. He doesn't really feel like talking to anyone anyway. Mostly Mason has been trying to get him to open up, but Ryder refuses to share a single thought or detail. He'd prefer to spare the world the details of his mommy issues. He's weak if he can't deal with it on his own, and Ryder Canova isn't weak. So he stays quiet. 

Lunch rolls around and Ryder decides to skip out on the whole, group conversation thing, and opts for sitting by himself. Of course Liam notices him when he walks in and sits across from him. "What are you doing by yourself?" He asks, an eyebrow slightly arched. Ryder sighs. "I don't feel like talking to anyone. That includes you. So, if you don't mind. move along." Ryder says with a fake smile, and he makes a shooing motion with one of his hands.  Liam frowns. "What's your problem? Your so moody, one day your fine and the next your pissing me off, and then the next your pushing me away." Liam exclaims, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "You expected me to let you in instead? That's cute. Now, just go away, okay?" Liam shakes his head in disapproval, but walks off. Not even bothering to look back. For some reason, that just makes Ryder even more upset and frustrated. 

Lacrosse practice went better than any other practice yet. Ryder channeled all his rage into his play, making mostly perfect shots. The game is tomorrow and Ryder feels more than ready to kick ass on the field. He's gonna crush it. 

"You done with whatever that was earlier?" Liam asks after practice, coming to stand at Ryder's locker wit him. "No Liam, I am not done with whatever that was earlier. So go away." Liam clenches his fists and takes a deep breath. "I don't know what your problem is, but you better figure it out." Liam tells him, walking away. For some reason Ryder that. He doesn't like that whole Liam being mad at him thing. "Liam..." Ryder calls, but Liam just flips him off and leaves the change room.

The next day Ryder's been spending his time alone again. Trying to figure out his plan of action for when his mother get's into town. He's been writing down ideas and tactics to make her want to leave sooner rather than later. So far, he has

 1. Be a pain in the ass 

2. Be a bigger pain in the ass 

3.  Swear at her like you want to

4. Pull a prank if she get's outta hand

5. Tell her as long as she's around, your not going home. 

6. Don't go home.

7. Find drugs and do them. 

number seven is number seven because he'd need to find drugs in order to do them, so he'll look into it. There has to be at least one drug dealer in the school. Or at least one person that can point him in the direction of one.  Ryder knows he's supposed to be done with drugs, done with cigarettes too, but he doesn't want his mother to be here. Let alone stay. So he'll drive her crazy and make her want to leave.

He starts by walking around the school grounds at lunch, and just a little off property, he knows where stoners would most likely hang out. He used to be one for gods sake, apparently it's not that hard to find them because they do drugs right in the parking lot. Ryder marches right up to the small group, acting all tough. "Hey, any one of you selling?" He asks, they all size him up, unable to tell if he's legit or not. "I am" One girl says, giving him a playful smirk as she walks towards him. "How much?" Ryder asks, he's thankful he grabbed his wallet this morning. The girl thinks for a moment. "I'll give you a discount for being possibly the most adorable freshman I've ever seen" Ryder laughs humorlessly, standing up to full height. "Thanks" He says cheekily, giving the girl a charming smile. 

Ryder pays the girl the amount requested, and she was serious. It was a major discount from most usual prices. He pockets his score and walks back into the school. Looks like he can really annoy his mother. as he's walking down the hall someone grabs him by the hood, dragging him into the guys change room. "What the fuck?" Ryder shouts, turning around and punching the person in the face. "Liam? Really?" Liam grunts in pain and touches where Ryder's fist just collided with his face. "Your buying drugs?" Liam exclaims angrily, acting as though he cared for Ryder's well being. "Yeah Liam, I am. What do you care anyway?" Liam's eyes go wide, clearly he hadn't thought of how to answer this question sooner. "I just don't want you to make us lose the game all because you can't think straight." Liam says, shoving Ryder's chest hard, making collide with the lockers. "Ah, fuck" Ryder complains, straightening up and shoving Liam back, pushing him into the lockers too. He mumbles a string of words Ryder doesn't hear or understand and glares at Ryder, but it doesn't look like he means it all that much. It seems more or less like he's trying to fake it. 

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