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A/N: Hayden is an ass at first

First period, Ryder and Liam sit down next to a girl with brown hair, and as soon as she looks over at Liam, his face goes white, and Ryder can smell the slight panic. Ryder looks where Liam is looking. At the girl. All he can think is, holy hell. She is, ugly. Her square jaw and eyes the color of horse shit. "Hayden?" Liam questions, the girls smile fades and she looks mildly unimpressed. "Liam." She says his name like it's poison on her tongue, and Ryder almost wants to bitch slap her right here. In fact. He's tempted. Ryder watches the scene unfold and wants to scream when Liam stands up slightly, and Ryder is given the perfect opportunity to check out his ass. 

Unfortunately, There's gum stuck to his jeans. Ryder almost growls, but stops himself right before he does, and almost chokes on air. "What the fuck is your problem?" Ryder asks her, giving her a pointed look. Liam turns to him, eyes begging him not to start. "I'm sorry, who are you?" She asks, eyebrows raised in question. "Your worst fucking nightmare, if your not careful." He tells her, and she looks almost shocked at his boldness. "What's your problem?" Hayden asks, and Ryder scowls, glaring the gremlin down. "I asked first." He grits out, his patience already wearing thin. "Liam and I go way back. I have my reasons, and you don't need to know." She glances at Liam, but he's got his head in his heads, and looks slightly disappointed. "Look Liam, Seems you've got yourself an obedient mutt." She smirks, and Ryder stands, causing Hayden to look up, clearly startled. "I'm not afraid to hit a girl." Ryder growls, taking a short step forward. "Canova..." Liam starts, and Ryder's head snaps to him as soon as he puts a cold hand on his wrist. Ryder doesn't move though, he doesn't go back to his seat. "Canova, you should probably behave yourself. Don't want to go getting suspended again this early in the year" Coach shouts, drawing every students attention. 

Hayden is smirking, Ryder can see it out of the corner of his eye. Ryder can smell that he's making her nervous though. Knows she's uncomfortable, almost afraid of what he might do. Shockingly, that doesn't stop her. "Wow Liam, you've found someone with as many problems as you, family issues? I assume? Those always seem to create the worst issues in people like you guys.." That's the last straw, Ryder walks the last half step to Hayden's desk, ignoring Liam's protests, and the hand gripping his wrist, trying to calm him. He grips Hayden's hair at the roots, and pushes her face into the desk. He hears the satisfying BANG of her face colliding with the wood, and Grins. A job well done. What's even more satisfying than the sound of the impact. The sound of her pained shriek. The sound of her crying. It makes Ryder want to jump in joy. "Ryder Canova you get to the office!" Is shouted at him, before he can think to look at Liam. When he does look at Liam, the boy has a look of absolute horror on his face, and he's staring at Hayden like he's sorry. Suddenly, Ryder feels really, really bad. Not because he did it, but because of how mortified Liam looks. How he looks like he can't believe Ryder just did that. When his eyes meet Ryder's, Ryder thinks he's going to pass out. Then, Liam's eyes soften, and he doesn't look so horrified anymore as he looks at Ryder's pained expression. When Ryder schools his face into perfectly crafted emotionless stone. Liam gives him a small smile. Almost a laugh, and Ryder suddenly feels his anxiety melting away, as he realizes Liam's not mad at him. "CANOVA I TOLD YOU TO MOVE." Ryder turns, giving the teacher his signature bad boy smirk, and shrugs like it doesn't even matter. It doesn't. Ryder doesn't care about Hayden. Doesn't care if he broke her nose or her already ugly face. He cares that Liam isn't upset at him. He smiles, all the way to the office. 

When he walks in, Ms. Martin is waiting for him. "Ryder, what did you do? I got a panicked call from one of your teachers, saying you attacked a girl. She was sent to the nurses office." Ryder rolls his eyes at the overreaction. "Have a seat?" She offers, gesturing to one of the chairs across from her desk, as she sits down herself. Ryder slouches in the chair, a small smile hidden behind his longish hair. "I didn't just attack her Ms. Martin." Ryder starts, even sounding like he doesn't care." She was bothering my friend. She put chewed gum on his chair and it stuck to his jeans. She got mad when I asked what her problem with him was. She said I don't need to know because her and him go way back. Whatever that means. To be honest. I probably made her face look better." Ms. Martin frowns but beckons for him to continue. "Coach told me to watch it, before I get suspended again and Hayden made some nasty comment about how Liam found an obedient mutt with just as many problems as him. She said that I probably have family problems, and as if I wasn't mad enough already. That just was the last straw. So, I slammed her ugly face off her desk. I did her a favor. I just hope that there's so much blood, no one can recognize she's that ugly. Maybe it'll stain so good, you can't even see her face." Ms. Martin looks shocked at what she's hearing. She waves a hand to shut Ryder up. "Ryder, I really don't understand. You don't hurt people, just because they make you angry." She explains, and Ryder rolls his eyes. "What good does talking do? None. It's absolute shit." Ms. Martin nods slowly, understanding where Ryder is coming from. "I'm going to get Hayden and Liam's sides of the story. We'll decide what to do then. Go wait in the main office. So without another word, Ryder stands and exits Ms. Martin's private office, and takes a seat in the main one, playing on his phone. 

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