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School was pretty much the same, even though Ryder could hear literally everything going on. He tries to ignore most of it, knowing that it was all probably boring anyway. He kept trying to see if he could hear Liam from the math class he was in. He could. Apparently his class was just down the hall. Ryder spent the entire period focusing on Liam's voice instead of the math work on his desk or the teachers lecture about why we need algebra.

When math was finally over, Ryder made his way to the cafeteria, looking for Mason and Liam.

"Wait, Garrett tried to kill you and you didn't tell me?" Ryder asked, astonished, eyes wide as he gapes at the boy in front of him. Liam rolls his eyes. "It was a while ago." He states, as if that should be explanation enough for not telling him. "You still should've told me." Ryder argues, making a hurt face.
"Sorry" Liam shrugs, then goes back to eating his pizza.
Ryder lets out a surprised huff of breath, but drops it, continuing to eat his own lunch.

"So, Canova, Looks like you can't get high anymore." Liam says after lacrosse practice, making Ryder drop his lacrosse stick. His eyes widen. "Excuse me?" He questions the boy. Liam nods, a small smile spread across his face. "Yeah, your metabolism burns it off too fast now." Liam explains, shrugging. Ryder's frown grows, and he shoves Liam backwards. "You serious?" He asks the blonde boy. "Yep, afraid so." He doesn't sound too worried about it. "Fuck." Ryder groans, leaning against the lockers and letting his head fall back against them. "Yeah, looks like your not going to be getting high in the school parking lot anymore." Liam taunts, the grin reappearing on his face. Ryder's getting pissed that he's rubbing it in. Acting like it's the highlight of his day to see Ryder frustrated. Who knows with this guy. Maybe it is. "Do you have to be a dick about it?" Ryder asks, his annoyance seeping into his voice. Liam seems to take a moment to think about this. "Not really, but I enjoy pissing you off, babe." Liam teases, sending a flutter through Ryder's stomach, his mind practically going blank for a split second and making Ryder want to pause in saying something else. But he keeps his face schooled into perfect annoyance, and tries to think of something to say. "Well I'm glad you've finally accepted the title, and are willing to return it." Ryder says, a smug look creeping onto his face. He pushes himself off the lockers and snakes an arm around the other boys waist. "Babe." He whispers in Liam's ear, and he feels the other boy shiver. He plants a kiss to his cheek, and lets him go, picking up his stuff before turning to look at the stunned boy. He sends him a wink, and exits the locker room, feeling accomplished.

Ryder walks home, his smirk still etched onto his face when he walks through the front door of his house. "Hey honey, what do you want for dinner?" Katrina asks sweetly, her voice making Ryder cringe. "I'm not letting you cook. Remember that time you gave me food poisoning?" He asks, setting his bag down by the door. "Not happening again." Katrina gives him a sad look, but walks back into the kitchen anyway. "Fine. Want to order in? Or we can go get something? Your dad went out for a bit. Asked me to make sure you ate in case he won't be home till late." Ryder ignores her but thinks of something he wants. "I want subway and pizza." He states, crossing his arms over his chest. "Is that so?" She asks, reaching out to ruffle his hair, Ryder growls, but she pretends not to notice. "Okay, let's go get you a sub and pizza." She beams, walking to the door to put her shoes on. Ryder following suit.

After the two of them get home, both spending most of the trip in silence, Katrina turns to face her son. "So, wanna watch a movie?" She asks, her annoyingly bright smile still on her face. Ryder almost laughs at the stupid question. "Sure, by myself." He tells her, putting two slices of pizza on a plate and handing it to his mother. Ryder grabs the box and his sub, and walks upstairs to his room. Thinking it's unbelievable that she thought he wanted to watch a movie with her. He takes a bite of his sub and starts to set up a movie on the TV he has in his room.

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