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The next couple of weeks were spent trying to protect Hayden, and protect all the other chimeras, which they were failing to do. Spectacularly, might Ryder add. Ryder can barely handle that he has to protect Hayden, let alone a bunch of other idiotic chimeras who don't even care. Most of them are just fucking themselves over. 

Ryder spent this week hanging out with Theo, having nothing better to do than hang out with him while Liam continued to spend time with Hayden. Of course, Liam had offered for Ryder to join on multiple occasions, but the brunette just kept making up excuses, and hiding the way his heart breaks. Ryder wants to be the one holding Liam's hand all the time. Ryder wants to be the one to calm Liam's nerves, and make sure that the boy's okay. Ryder wants to be the one Liam smiles dreamily when talking about. Ryder wants to be the one Liam falls in love with. 

Walking down the hall Ryder ignores the feeling he gets that something terrible is about to happen. He ignores the way his gut squirms and tells him to exit the building. That something bad is happening. He continues walking, but faster, making his way through the crowded halls, looking for his friends.

He continues searching until he finds Liam, who looks slightly panicked and is making his way to the exit of the school, Hayden following behind. "Liam" Ryder calls at the boy, and Liam's head snaps up immediately. "Can't talk right now. Busy." Liam says quickly, dodging him, Ryder watches as Liam and Hayden walk away, not bothering to go after them. too busy to talk to one of your best friends?

By the time school is over, Ryder has successfully thought about the situation with Liam and Hayden all day. He tried thinking of every possibility of why neither of them were in any of their classes after that little interaction. Probably off screwing somewhere. Ryder thinks nothing of it until he gets an urgent call from Scott as he walks into his house. "What's up?" Ryder questions when he picks up. "We need you, Hayden is bleeding mercury and we definitely need help. We're trying to get to the clinic, meet us there?" Ryder's sort of shocked at the words, but gives the affirmative that he'll be there, and hangs up, running down the street, making his way to Deaton's clinic as fast as possible.

Upon entry, there's no one here, so Ryder waits, until a few minutes later, he hears frustrated murmuring, and Scott walks in, followed by Liam, Hayden, and Theo, and Ryder's eyes widen at the sight of Hayden, the mercury she's bleeding, dripping from her nose, and she's coughing it up onto her shirt. "What the fuck happened?" Ryder asks, shocked. Scott sighs, walking over to Ryder. "The dread doctors happened." Ryder sighs too, and runs a hand through his brown hair, watching Liam hold Hayden close. His heart clenches at the sight, but he pushes his jealousy away, and thinks for a minute. "What if you turn her? Like you did for me?"  Scott tilts his head with an uncertain expression on his face. "I think it would just kill her. She's too weak."Ryder can't deny that half of him internally cheered at the thought. He pushed that away too. "Is there anything we can do? " Ryder asks, turning to look at Theo who's giving Liam and Hayden a weird look. "We can call my mom." Scott suggests, and Ryder nods,gesturing for Scott to make the call. He does, and Theo and Ryder make small talk while he's on the phone. Talking about Hayden's chances of survival. They narrow it down to slight chance of living. Once again Ryder has to push down a smile.

When Melissa McCall does arrive, she takes one look at Hayden and tells Scott there's probably no chance. Melissa attaches Hayden to these wires and attempts to keep her alive while she can. Ryder watches Liam and Hayden and he knows it's wrong, and horrible, given the situation, but he wishes Liam were like that with him. Ryder already knows he's like that with Liam, but he longs for Liam to return it. Not to Hayden, but to him. Ryder can't help but want Hayden to be okay, he doesn't want her to die, that's too far, but he wants her out of the picture. Which isn't much nicer. He watches the two with a sort of wanting. Wanting someone to be like that with him. Even though he knows he doesn't deserve it. Ryder wants that with Liam, but Liam is still convinced he's 100% straight. Ryder wants Liam, but Liam wants Hayden. Someone who hated him for years, and now that she knows he's a werewolf she's all interested. It makes Ryder so mad. Suddenly he is angry. The thoughts streaming into his mind, frustrating him, making him jealous. He turns and exits the building without a word, leaning against the wall of the building, and taking in the cool dusk air, trying to let it calm him while his mind continues the slideshow of horrible ideas and feelings and things about Hayden and Liam that just make him want to punch a hole through the side of the car in front of him. He ignores the last idea and slides down the bricks, planting his face in his arms, which are now resting on his knees.

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